Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Holiday Cheer.

It’s hard to believe another year has almost come and gone but it has. This year’s holiday season has been filled with times of reflection, prayer, singing, sharing, reading, and laughter. In many parts of the world, and even in our city, there are many people who are dealing with difficult times right now. It would almost seem impossible to have holiday cheer when the economic or other personal news could be so difficult. Focusing on the blessings of life instead of the hardships, does not foster an escapism attitude, but helps put events in t heir proper perspective.

The Scriptures tells us that the peace of God will guard our hearts and our minds. It is not man’s peace but a divine peace. A peace that “transcends all understanding” we’re told in Philippians 4:7-9. This passage also encourages us to think on things that are pure, true, noble, right, lovely, and admirable. When I think about the price that Jesus Christ paid upon that cross at calvary for me, I am humble. I know I don’t deserve it, but God made a way for me (and you) to have a right relationship with a God who is so awesome that he cares even about the little things in our lives. Our feelings, our disappointments, our failures, and even our successes.

So during this holiday season, make sure to spend some quality time with those around you because life goes by too fast. But also make a point to spend a little time with the One who created you and wants the very best for you. God sent his only son, Jesus Christ, because he loved the world that much (John 3:16). That’s something to be cheerful about!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Absolutely Cold!

Cold...absolutely cold! That's what it is today. Outside the temperature is a frigid 10F with a wind chill of -5F. I'm not sure where you might live, and there will always be somewhere colder, but that is downright cold where I live! When I was growing up on a farm in the central Midwest, we would make sure the livestock were fed and then head to warmer climates--i.e. any place that had a fire! The livestock would enjoy their food and then hide away in a draw or some other sheltered place, all huddled together.

Sometimes, life can be so brutal that we just want to go and hide away in a sheltered place. A place to escape reality for just a while in order to get reoriented or mend some wounds from people around us. I'm so glad that God provided a place where His children can go--a secret place that only those who know Him can find. Psalm 91:1 tells us that those who dwell in the "secret" place of the most high will "rest" in the shadow of the Almighty.

So if it's a secret place then only a select few know how to get to this place. Interestingly, God wants all of us to know how to get to the secret place, because it's a place where we can dwell in His presence. The "shadow" of the Almighty is an awesome place to rest. In the world, shadowy places are places of fear, rejection, abandonment, and pain. But God's shadow is a place of rest, peace, healing, restoration, encouragement, and empowerment. God longs for you and I to take some time out of our busy day and "rest" in Him--just by dwelling in His presence for awhile. That's pretty cool.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Just A Little Time.

What a great feeling to have had a great conference and finally get to the closing meal. All the hard work and financial investment into something worthwhile has come to a close. I don’t know about you, but that has always been a great feeling for me. I guess part of that feeling is relief that it is finally over, but also the fact that God has done some great things and you were allowed to be a part of that.

Seeing people let go of past hurts and disappointments, while being so blessed by God’s Holy Spirit is a bit humbling to me. People who love helping others, but oftentimes there isn’t time enough or opportunity, or a plethora of other reasons why they have not been ministered to themselves. Evangelists and itinerant ministers are typically “givers.” They love to help others and give of themselves exponentially. Many lay persons also fall into this category of unselfish behavior.

Oftentimes those of us who travel, or are “givers,” don’t even realize we have been needing some “refreshment” until we actually get away at a conference or special function and allow God to speak to us. Jesus gave and gave and gave, but He also took time to get alone with God and fellowship with His heavenly Father.

Jesus taught us so many lessons, but one of the more important ones may be that no matter how prominent or improverished we get - we still need to take some time every day to strengthen that relationship with our heavenly Father. Isaiah 40:31 tells us that those who wait upon the Lord will have their strength renewed. I pray today that God will encourage and strengthen you as you make time for Him in prayer - leading you in every area of your life.

Monday, December 1, 2008


O.k., that was a pretty lame title right after Thanksgiving huh? But it works and I’m not ashamed to voice the obvious - we all probably ate way too much this past weekend. And if we did eat too much we probably did not head straight to the gym to work off all those excess pounds. You may have just watched the parades and tuned in to watch as many football games as possible…vegetation at it’s best! However, there were some who donned their best clothing to defend against the weather and headed out early to find the best bargains - Black Friday!

I don’t know about you but I have never found a deal so great that I wanted to stay up all night waiting in line for it. Perhaps I’m just getting old, or have lost the thrill of getting the best deal, but I definitely enjoyed a time to sleep in on Friday and spend some quality time with the family over this past weekend. Family time is special time as we tease, hug, play, work, eat, and watch old rerun movies together. I am so thankful that the Lord allowed me to have such a wonderful family.

I do know that some people do not have family or friends and this time of year seems like a tough time to be thankful - especially with the economic news. But having God in our lives, has made us a part of a family that has no boundaries. Wherever I am, I can enjoy being part of a heavenly family that began with getting my relationship back where it needed to be with God. The great thing is that God waits patiently for us, and doesn’t beat us up when we finally find our way back home. His specialty is peace and comfort in the midst of chaos, and a feeling of belonging. That helps me be thankful even in thankless times.

That kind of a relationship is probably the only thing that could cause me to wait up all night in a line. It’s the greatest deal on earth - it’s free - just for the asking. If you don’t have a right relationship with God, may today be a day that you ask Him to help restore you to a place in His family - and He surely will!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Excitement mounts...

Well, our National Evangelists Conference will be here a week from Wednesday. December 3-4 will find us hosting anywhere from 75 to 100 folks traveling in for a great time with the Lord. We'll have gifts to give away and bags stuffed with goodies when folks check in. This year we will be on the campus of Central Bible College in Springfield, Missouri which has a little over 600 students...what excitement! We'll even join the students for a normal chapel service with one of our six speakers along with some great food, fellowship, and surprises!

On Wednesday night we'll have a great pastor and evangelist from Argentina - Claudio Freidzon. This will be a bi-lingual service and it is an open service for anyone who wants to attend. Wow...all the planning and work, and more planning and more work. There have been lots of hurdles and struggles along the way so I am looking forward to God's hand being right in the middle of everything this year! There is that sense of excitement, with all the coordinating, speakers, and workshops, right along with the stress of trying to make sure everything goes well.

I'm glad that when life gets stressful, I can go to the Rock that is higher than I am - the Rock of Jesus Christ. A rock is something that doesn't move easily and won't be easily changed by the storms that come its way. Sometimes I feel like the Psalmist, in Psalm 61:2, where he called out to the Lord when his heart was growing faint, he asked the Lord to lead him to the rock that was higher than he was. You know, it's hard to pull someone "up" when you are lower than they are! I am glad that whenever I feel down, I can look "up" to the Rock of Jesus Christ and know that He will pull me "up" when I call on Him. You may not have a conference coming up, but there may be other challenges before you. If so - look up and call on the Rock that is higher than you are!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Working in Harmony.

The last few days have been packed with school functions and programs prior to the Thanksgiving break. Battling a cold did not help matters at all, but God graciously helped overcome any excessive grumpiness:). It has been incredibly hectic, but so rewarding to see your children grow up and take steps of faith. And watching them share their talents with those around them and the other proud parents in the crowd leaves me without words to describe it. (That in itself is pretty amazing that an evangelist does not have words to describe something!)

But as we sat and listened to an orchestra performance, I marveled at the intricacies of the pieces played. How every person had their part, which had been practiced again, and again, and again. And how that part, played alone, possibly did not sound very exciting. But when combined with all the other instruments and parts, created a harmonious melody that was quite exhilarating to experience. I think of all of God's children. Sometimes we don't think we are very important or possess any special gifts. But when we come together in "one accord" or in agreement, there is nothing we cannot overcome with God's help. Determination and dedication combine to bring forth the very best in our world. So remember that harmony is something we must work at - it does not just happen!

Monday, November 17, 2008


I can't believe the outpouring of support and encouragement we have had for our upcoming conference. So many details to think about and so many things that could go wrong...it almost sounds like a wedding! It will happen one way or another but the little surprises along the way always make the memories:). So many people have given gifts to share and the give aways will be pretty neat (even if I do say so myself). It is just such a God thing and for that I'm grateful. (O.k., if you haven't registered you can online at http://evangelists.ag.org).

The reason I'm grateful lies in the fact that I don't get the credit. So many other people have pitched in to make it a great time and God has helped put so many pieces of the puzzle together that I know He is going to do something great besides just having a good conference. Whether large or small, I really feel that God's presence is going to help make the difference in people's lives...and that's something I can't orchestrate...I can only appreciate and humbly accept it.

Life can be extremely challenging to say the least, whether you are facilitating a conference or just trying to make ends meet. I'm glad that I can go to God's Word - also known as the "Scriptures" - and find encouragement, courage, and peace in times of trial. Jeremiah 23:29 tells us that God's Word is like fire, "and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces." Isn't it nice to know that no matter how large the boulder is that may be in your way, if God has shown you that you are walking in the path He has set before you - His Word alone can move that boulder. To me - that's a real blessing!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Totally Cool!

Life seems to be going a million miles an hour with family, ministry, school, work and a conference that's only 3 weeks away! I feel a bit overwhelmed at times and that seems to lead toward doubt, fear and trying to work things out by myself. I don't know about you, but sometimes I have to head to my prayer closest (o.k., everyday I have to head to my prayer closest) to make sure things are still in control with God. If God is at the helm then I know it will all work out o.k. If I'm at the helm...the future could be vastly different!

Isn't it great that God was and is "longsuffering" or "patient" with us as 2 Peter 3:9 shares? After all we do, or don't do, God still waits for us and lovingly encourages us or corrects. Today, God sent a couple of folks across my path to remind me that He is still in control and working in the background of our lives to ensure things work out according to His plan. It really is nice to know that even when your faith falters, God has the ability to send a few friends your way. That is totally cool!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Camp Meeting 21

Camp Meeting 21 was an idea put down in writing by the late evangelist Jack McIntosh. Jack truly believed in revival and felt that today's evangelist and itinerant minister could compliment pastors today in the right setting. I remember talking with Jack on a couple of occasions and sensing his passion for a ministry that made a difference. Jack had been a pastor for many years prior to launching out in the evangelistic field, so he brought a wealth of experience to the field. It seemed inevitable that Jack would find a way for evangelists and pastors to partner together in an emergent church setting.

In Jack's study, entitled Camp Meeting 21, Jack looks at the possibility of extended exposure to congregations in a 21st century venue. Since most churches today cannot have extended services for many reasons - many of which are because people are busy and can't make it to nightly meetings - a series of "one day" events are utilized. Having a big name speaker come in for one day is nice, but most local congregations won't feel the liberty to share their burdens with a prominent personality today. Albeit, if you had an evangelist, who shared the pastor's passion and vision for that church, come in for a series of services you would have a more lasting affect upon a congregation.

This might take the form of 4 consecutive Wednesday night, Sunday morning, or Sunday night services - or even a variation of all three. The benefit of this type of venue allows a congregation to get to know the speaker and feel comfortable participating in the services. And when the speaker returns...they just pick up where they left off. Similar to when a pastor preaches a series...the foundation gets laid the first service and then you build upon that! Evangelists could then utilize a regional base of operations, if you will, allowing travel expenses to stay at a minimal.

I know this is a bit LONG today and isn't typical "blog" material but I just wanted to share some great material from a great man who just wanted to make a difference with his life. All of us have something we can share with others...maybe you should take some time right now to jot down a few things you could share with the next generation - making a difference in your world today.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Emerging Evangelists.

The past couple of weeks I have had the wonderful opportunity to visit with several young Assemblies of God evangelists. I've been able to chat with them one-on-one and hear their passions as well as their frustrations. I have been able to let them hear my heart and know that someone really does care about them. I even had one evangelist tell me that they had been in ministry for about a year now and no one had ever called just to ask how they were doing - that really weighed heavily on me.

But God has been encouraging me by the young men and women who are answering the call to evangelistic ministry. Even though I hear some say that the day of the evangelist is over - I STRONGLY disagree. O.k., I'm a bit biased in that regard, but I truly do feel that the evangelist is one of God's gifts to the Church - and as a gift we can obviously choose to receive or reject it. There are obviously good and not-so-good ministers wherever you go, but I am seeing a generation of young people passionate about Jesus Christ and passionate about bringing honor and respect back to the office of the evangelist.

Our office has put together a new evangelist information packet that we send out free of charge to those folks sensing the call to evangelistic ministry. We just turned this on last month and we sent out 12 in September and 20 in October! That's telling me that God is still calling men and women to evangelistic ministry! How awesome to see God touching the hearts and minds of those willing to answer the call today and launch into a field of ministry that is challenging to say the least. Today, would you pray for our evangelists - that God would supply all of their personal and ministry needs? That opportunities would avail themselves in miraculous ways if need be? And that God would help give me guidance and wisdom in our national office initiatives - because He alone gets all the glory.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Relationships are such a vibrant part of who we are and can often be the catalyst through which we are able to minister to others. Some time ago, I was enjoying a time of fellowship around a table with some pastors in a particular area. I asked them: "So what can I do to help you?" "How can the national office be helpful to you and your ministries?" The reply I received took me back a bit. A majority of those present said that they would rather "just use my pastor friends." They went on to say, "I know them. I know how they preach. And I know they won't hurt me."

In that moment, the Holy Spirit seemed to speak to me that the reason they were using their pastor friends was because a "trusted" relationship had been formed. They "knew" their pastor friends and trusted them to preach the word of God without causing harm in other ways. It was as if the Holy Spirit turned a light on, illuminating the importance of relationships in life and ministry. I knew relationships were important, but the impact I felt after visiting with those pastors was defining for me. Itinerant ministers, evangelists, and even pastors and lay persons must take the initiative to build "trusted" relationships.

I don't mean that we should only build relationships because we want something - like a service or some other selfish item on our agenda. But we should build relationships because ministry flows out of relationship...relationship with God, relationship with family, relationship with friends. We should build relationships because we truly do care. When ministers work at building relationships, going to sectional, district, or even general council functions, we foster "trusted" relationships - and ministry will undoubtedly follow. When we go out of our way at the grocery store, gas station, bank, or other place of business we frequent, we have the potential to build trusted relationships - opening the door to greater opportunities for sharing the love of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


This week finds me in a part of rural America where I spent quite a few of my “growing up” years. Hauling hay, cleaning stalls, milking our “one” milk cow - even on Christmas day - were some of the memories that flooded my mind as I drove around the countryside recounting childhood mischief and family activities. Hard work, honesty, and the value of a person’s word were values that rural America instilled in me. But many of the old landmarks were gone, and some of the trusted friends and neighbors had moved on as well…just like I had. The lord and life had carried me into another chapter of my life - just like he has, or will, for each one of you.

Remembering is such a wonderful blessing. I know that there are also bad things that happen, which are hard to forget…making memories bittersweet. But there are so many good things in life that remind me of the goodness of God and His grace in my life. The time I first asked the Lord to be a part of my life and the time I finally came back to Him. Remembering the price he paid for my sins on the cross and the many details of my life that he has orchestrated. A wonderful family and good health. Great friends and opportunities to help others. Today just might be a perfect day for you to remember all the good things that have happened in your life as well - and give God thanks for every one of them.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Yesterday I had the privilege of visiting with a young evangelist who is pouring his heart into the ministry. He and his wife take turns doing odd jobs to help make ends meet inbetween services (which I think is a perfectly wonderful idea!). Whenever a new evangelist starts out on "the field" it can really be challenging to say the least. But I was encouraged by this young man's attitude. His passion was for more of God - not a full calendar. And although a full calendar is nice, sometimes we force our way into opportunities that may not be God. Honestly, I feel that God has kept me from some very difficult situations - all because a door did not seem to open for me.

After we finished talking for a while I asked if I could pray with this young man. During our prayer time I felt the Lord humbling me personally. Here I was, praying for someone else to be encouraged and blessed of God, and I was the one being ministered too. After all, who am I to tell anyone else how to "do" their ministry. It was really a neat time of just sensing God's presence as two travelers prayed together that God would forgive us, help us, and strengthen us to do His will. Thank you Lord for being so faithful!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Glad to be an Evangelist.

After this weekend I was reminded why I love being an evangelist so much. During some weekend ministry in St. Jerome, Quebec, Canada, I had the privilege of personally praying with three individuals to receive Jesus Christ as their savior for the first time. That in itself was a humbling opportunity to see God at work in people's lives. God also moved in the altar times and ministered to numerous people throughout the weekend. One lady came up to us just beaming and testifying that she had been in severe depression for quite some time and the Lord delivered her of it the night before. Besides all that I was honored to meet some wonderful saints of God who made me feel just like family.

I say all that not to exalt anyone but God, and to thank Him for allowing me the privilege of witnessing His providential acts of grace. How thrilling to help usher individuals into the kingdom of God, or help give them hope in desperate times, or see prayer for healing take place, or folks baptized in the Holy Spirit. What a joy to travel throughout this world as ministers of God's grace and proclaimers of the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Being an evangelist has given so many a wonderful sense of fulfillment - knowing that they are assuredly in the perfect will of God. Thank you for answering the call of an Evangelist, or for being a walking testimony of the goodness of God if you are in another vocation. Allowing ourselves the blessing of being used by God will undoubtedly provide us with a lifetime of fulfillment and an opportunity to help others find an eternal relationship with a Savior who cares.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Seasons. We all go through seasons in our lives - and ministry is no different. I was talking to a young evangelist the other day who was working a short term additional job to make ends meet. I was humbled by his positive attitude at what God was doing through their ministry even though he was having to work an additional job. I was complaining (a little) in my last post about having a cancellation, but that is really pretty trivial compared to taking on additional jobs.

So where is the silver lining in all this? I’m thinking the silver lining is that God always makes a way. Sometimes it doesn’t always come in the package we’re expecting, but God always makes a way. In the economic hard times that are obviously ahead, and uncertainty around every corner it seems, God will always make a way for his people. Sometimes it may involve additional employment, or times without travel and the expense that goes with it, or even being temporarily “sidelined” in our view. But we can always share the gospel - the Good News - wherever we are and whatever God has allowed us to do for Him. Our “season” of change, may actually be a divine appointment just waiting to happen.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Trusting God.

This last weekend I had a free Sunday due to a cancellation - yep...last minute. Cancellations always hurt, but I was determined to enjoy spending some quality time with family, digging deeper into the Scriptures, and enjoying the service at our home church on Sunday. We had some AWESOME students over to our house on Saturday whom we have "adopted," and we had a great time around food and fellowship. Relationships are just a GREAT part of life!

Then on Sunday, the pastor preached on "trusting God." I don't think the title was exactly that, but it was one of those sermons where God has His own little message for you. Even when a cancellation came unexpectedly, and our economy is full of uncertainty, God is still taking care of His children - even with ravens if need be. God's word is sure and His promises are for you and me - because He looks to show himself strong in behalf of those whose heart is perfect towards Him according to 2 Chronicles 16:9a. I don't know about you, but I'm glad I serve a God who I can count on - no matter what.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

What A Week!

Wow! Settling back into a classroom environment has been a bit challenging this week as I stepped into a Doctor of Ministry program. But what a rich time this has been with Dr. Earl Creps. I must admit it was a marathon reading endeavor to hammer through all the books required, but what a great time of discussion as well as meeting some new friends. Sitting around the table with twelve other ministers challenged, and at times intimidated me a bit. That’s the great thing about God’s kingdom – it’s not all about us – it’s all about God’s kingdom. And we can all learn from each other! Take a second to learn something new today – because every day is an opportunity to enrich our lives for God’s glory.

Friday, September 19, 2008

A Somber Moment...

This past week has been a bit challenging. On Tuesday I had the honor of attending a fellow colleague’s funeral – only 33 years old and suddenly taken from us. He left behind a wife with 4 children and another one on the way. Devastated would be an understatement on the part of the family and close friends, while questions of why filled the minds of everyone else. The church was packed for the funeral and the ceremony was absolutely splendid – extremely moving, yet with a sense of knowing that even if absent from us here on earth, our brother was now present with the Lord. A somber moment indeed – and a moment for me to reflect yet again how life is “like a vapor” as the Bible says. The comfort of “The Gospel," seems so close at times like this.

Then yesterday I received word that a dear friend of mine – almost a “spiritual father” if you will – slipped into eternity. Although he had lived a wonderfully long life – filled with unselfishness and ministry to others – it hurt. Another friend of mine was gone. I felt somewhat crushed and alone – so I turned to my source of continued strength – the Scriptures, or Holy Bible if you will. Oftentimes, when we don’t know what to do or where to go we can turn to the Scriptures for direction, comfort and hope.

The Scriptures tell us that Jesus Christ is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. A true friend is one that doesn’t leave you when the money runs out, when the good times run out, or when the free meals run out. A true friend is one that stays with you no matter what you do. A true friend can’t keep you from running away from them, but they are always there for you when you get back. That’s what’s so amazing about having a relationship with Jesus Christ – He’s always there.

How about you? Have you been through a difficult time in your life? Has life not gone quite the way you wanted it to? Have you been crushed by some devastating dilemma in your life? Have those who said they were friends run out on you. Today is the day that you can turn to Jesus Christ and ask Him to come and help – to be the friend in your life that doesn’t run away when things go wrong – to help restore a right relationship with God. May life’s somber moments help all of us realize how precious life is, and how all of us need the reassurance that comes with letting Jesus Christ have Lordship and leadership of our lives every single day.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Dog Gone!

Yep, it’s hard to believe, but sometimes dogs like to roam! We just acquired a free gift in the form of a 16 month old husky, collie, border collie mixed dog. She is fun and loves to run and play with the kids, but just like a youngster, she gets bored. So, when we least expected it, she dug under the fence and roamed the neighborhood in search of friendship and adventure - three times! After working through my frustrations at having to handle yet another challenge, we have all come to realize that spending substantial amounts of time with our dog is mandatory. We now have to keep her on a leash when no one is in the yard with her for fear that she’ll dig yet another escape route under the fence.

Sometimes we can become bored as Christians. Yep, I know it is all supposed to be happy and fun-filled now that you have let Jesus Christ have lordship of your life. But the reality is that life still goes on and living life as a Christian (or non-Christian for that matter) can get pretty hard at times. When we allow ourselves to become distant from God it is easier for distractions and delusions to persuade us that there is a better way - even if we have to “dig our way out!” But after gaining our hard fought freedom to run outside the boundaries of God’s provision, we find that what looked so good - wasn’t.

Outside the boundary there is a scarcity of food, water, and all the other blessings God has promised us. But unlike the scolding we gave our dog when we found her digging, God has given us a free will to do as we please. Thankfully, He has not put us on a leash, because that is not His plan! I am so grateful that when we do realize the foolishness of our frolicking God welcomes us back with open arms. Jesus Christ has already paid the price for all of our wrongdoing, but we can’t enjoy God’s provision until we have allowed Him full Lordship of our lives. Only when we invite Jesus Christ to take Lordship and leadership of our lives on a daily basis, will we move beyond boredom into an exciting life in which every day is a new beginning.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Getting reconnected.

Yesterday was a nice break from ministry, and as I "sat and soaked" up some great preaching and tarried at the altar just talking to the Lord after the service was over, the Holy Spirit began to speak to me about a few things. I guess I had been getting kind of busy and stressed about a few things (please pray for me if you never get stressed about anything). But during that time of just waiting on the Lord he began to assure me that He was in control and the provider of every need. There was no reason for fear or anxiety, but I needed to "rest" in Him.

Isn't that the way God often works. We think we are doing exactly what God desires until the burden and stress load seem to overwhelm us. Them the Lord seems to specifically orchestrate situations (just for us) in order to speak into our lives - helping us get back to the place He longs for us to be. A place of rest, and peace. A place that can only be found when we're connected to God like He intended.

Yep, it's true. God really does want to be "connected" to His creation (that's us). We're special folks because we're made in His image, and we're made to have a relationship with God. But the only way that can happen is if we allow God's son, Jesus Christ, to truly have lordship and leadership of our lives. I love John 3:16. I guess because it never gets old for me...that God loved the world so much that He would send His only son to die in my place on a cross.

Hard to fathom...sure. But God loved you that much. He loved me that much. Oftentimes, that's a whole lot more than I love myself. When we get "reconnected" into a relationship with God, its as though the arms of heaven just wrap around you. That makes getting reconnected pretty nice. How about you? Do you need a hug from heaven? Ask Jesus to be the Lord of your life - then get ready for the hug of your life:).

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Do You Believe?

Sitting here, I was just contemplating whether we really believe the Scriptures. We know the Scriptures are the word of God and are even used as official historical documents in many classes. But do we really believe? Do we believe Jesus Christ is the friend that sticks closer than a brother? Do we believe that healing has been provided for each and every one of us through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ upon that cross at Calvary? Do we really believe that God cares about the minutiae in our lives? Do we really believe that God longs to show Himself strong in behalf of them whose heart is perfect towards Him? Do we really believe that through simple faith, allowing Jesus Christ to have lordship and leadership of our lives, and asking him to forgive us of all the wrong things we've done, that old things will really pass away and all things will become new? Is this God a God that actually can make a difference in my life?

I must admit that I do adamantly believe, even though that's probably a real no brainer huh? But after running from God for so many years and then seeing how He turned my life around...yes...I believe. Even during some time this morning while waiting for the doctor to finish some oral surgery on my 7 year old daughter - I believed. I'm thankful for God's peace and healing process - how he made our bodies, how he has allowed me to witness miraculous healing in people's lives, as well as the wonderful doctors he has given us today. I believe. Did we pray? Sure. Did we pray in faith? Sure. And although partial healing came, Hannah needed the surgery. Which just goes to show that God's sovereignty trumps my "wants" any day. But God's ways will always be the best way if we allow Him to speak to us through every situation.

That doesn't mean I never have a down day in my walk with the Lord. The challenge isn't in using the title "Christian" as an excuse. No, the challenge is in working everyday to strengthen the connection with God...making sure that we bring our failures, worries, imperfections, and uncertainties to the cross...and leave them there. It is a daily walk after all...but I believe with all my heart that God loves each of us so much that He will always be there with us. He even tells us in the Scriptures that He will never leave us or forsake us. He's just kinda like that...that's why He's God. I hope today is a day that you determine in your heart to reconnect with God like you never have before - because He's real, He's relevant, and He's even a bit radical.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Room for God.

Sitting in a Starbucks café within a Barnes & Noble store, I ruminated on the tensions concerning salvation, seekers, old-time Pentecost, holiness traditions and a myriad of other challenges to the church at large today. In my travels I often see folks firmly on their proverbial side of the fence, believing with all their heart that they are tuned in to the Holy Spirit and representing Christ as scripturally accurate as is possible. But when society takes us outside of scriptural precedence and into the realm of culture – we seem to clash more than we flourish.

I guess I have just been thinking of late, how much I want people to experience Jesus Christ in their lives. It seems as though we sometimes let the frivolous detour the best-laid plans of evangelism. To be sure, God has a standard and I am definitely for upholding God’s Word. I just think we sometimes focus on the external (tattoos, body piercings, smoking, etc…) more than the internal (a changed heart). I have heard plenty of Scriptures pertaining to the external and I truly believe we are indeed the “temple” of the Holy Spirit. But if we are not careful, we can so passionately convey our perception of the external that we destroy any chance of a changed heart.

I do know you must undoubtedly earn the right to speak into someone’s life concerning the deep issues of spirituality. Sometimes the right to speak comes from position or reputation, but the majority of opportunities for someone coming to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior are through someone they respect. Since most Christians don’t have any more non-Christian friends after about 3-5 years, we must work to build relationships in hopes that God will provide opportunities to help introduce someone to His Son.

As I look back on my life, it took a “road to Damascus” experience for me to really know that God was real. But for most, finding the greatest friendship known to humanity still comes through an introduction by someone who knows that friend. May today be a day that we all reflect on how much Jesus Christ has done for us, and the mission that each one of us has - to share the good news with someone who just might have room for God in their world right now.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Power's Out!

As I sit here writing a short blog, I am doing so in the dark. Now, there are some who would say that I’m already in the dark (ha), but literally the power is out! A sudden storm came through the area and a major portion of the city is without power - no building lights, no stoplights, no air-conditioning! We’re running on generator backup and hopefully the power will get back on in an hour or two (we’re told). If not, we’ll be in trouble with our freezer trying to thaw out and food spoiling. Albeit, I have great confidence in the city utilities folks’ ability to take care of the situation in short order.

Not only am I in the dark at home, but our son just headed off to south Texas on Sunday with their youth group to do some missions work in Mexico. Now, normally that would be a very wonderful thing and make parents proud, but a hurricane just happens to be in the vicinity and approaching landfall close to where they are. On top of that, we have no communication with him - we’ve got to trust God and believe that he is bigger than hurricanes. We also need to believe that our son listened to the many hours of parental instruction and actually knows how to pray himself.

But there is one connection that never has to worry about being disconnected and that is the connection that God has with his children - namely, us. I don’t mean that we can’t willfully run from Him, but that when we decide to communicate with Him - the line is always open. There are no busy signals from the heavenly switchboard - lines are always available. Isn’t it nice to know, that even when we have no control over certain situations and loved ones are far from home and possibly in harm’s way, we can call out to God and receive the peace that passes all understanding? As Psalm 59:16 says: “But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.” I’m glad there is always a refuge in times of trouble with God - aren’t you?

Monday, July 14, 2008

A good hamburger please.

After being in Namibia, Africa for about three weeks, we finally returned home (after about 35 hours of travel time). I told my wife that I would "take her out to dinner" the evening we finally got back (since we were all dead tired) and asked her what she would like to eat after being in Africa. She said, "I want a good hamburger." Knowing her normal preferences (like pasta, Chinese food, etc...), I was surprised to hear her say that she wanted a good old-fashioned (somewhat greasy) hamburger. But thinking about it for a moment, I realized that most of the meat we had been privileged to eat was mainly wild game meat - like Kudu (sp?). If you have never had a Kudu hamburger, you have missed an extremely "lean" experience. It is true that folks in Namibia wouldn't have batted an eye eating that, and most would have thought it a delicacy. But if you have been raised on farm raised beef all your life, farm raised beef is what you crave.

Interesting (I know you're wondering where this is going), we get used to tradition as well - in day to day affairs, in our relationships, and even in our religious experiences. Church can be one big tradition that can oftentimes be more boring than beneficial. But tradition can be a source of inspiration and reminder of God's wonderful holiness and majesty. And more importantly, our source of spiritual nourishment is what helps ensure our priorities stay in their proper order. It is the sustenance of God's Word that helps nourish a right relationship with God - not the vehicle by which it arrives. Enjoying certain traditions, helps us feel comfortable and open to God's spirit when he speaks to us. So whatever traditions you are comfortable with, allow them to merely be the vehicle that helps usher in God's spirit into your life - allowing a change that will last for eternity.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Coffee Cup Religion

Although I wrote this a while back I thought it might be a nice addition to the blog since so often peopel feel that “evangelism” is being a “soul winner” instead of realizing that “evangelism” is working in harmony with the Holy Spirit to help bring a person one step closer to the Lord Jesus Christ. If you have never seen the “Engel Scale” you just might want to do a search for that and see the process involved of someone going from totally unchurched to a discipler of others. Oftentimes we only focus all our efforts on the aspect of conversion - that “moment in time” when someone makes a decision to let Jesus Christ take lordship and leadership of their lives. In actuality there is quite a portion of the process that we are currently neglecting. If you think being an evangelist is being a “soul winner,” just remember God alone draws people to Himself. He is the soul winner, and as the apostle Paul wrote, “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.” (1 Corinthians 3:6 NIV)

Coffee Cup Religion…

Before my dad graduated to a heavenly home, I traveled the 15 hour drive to see him and went out to breakfast with him one morning. As we sat around a table with some other retired gentlemen, in a small town café, the conversations went from work, to family, to military, and occupations. They got a laugh, when I told them that I was an evangelist and enjoyed traveling around the country finding new places to eat.

We talked about all the mischief we had all gotten into earlier in life, and I was able to share how much I appreciated the Lord not giving up on me, and the blessings that God had given me since getting that right relationship back with Him. Other light conversation about life and family continued until it was time to go. As I headed out the door, the Holy Spirit seemed to remind me how easy it is to share the gospel message – planting those little seeds for the Holy Spirit to water. I wasn’t responsible for anyone else’s response to the gospel, just the delivery as the Holy Spirit gave opportunity. I did not have to preach, only share the small seeds that the Holy Spirit prompted me to sow.

Peter said in 1 Peter 3:15, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (NIV). When we have a vibrant relationship with God, we can’t help but bear fruit for God’s kingdom. But just remember, the fruit bearing part is God’s responsibility – not yours. It is nice to know that you don’t have to be a preacher to share the gospel, and you don’t even have to knock on doors or hand out tracks. You can just let the light of the gospel shine through your life and everyday conversation – even around a cup of coffee.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Take a break!

A couple of days ago I was doing some studying and felt like I couldn't join the rest of the family. They were outside enjoying the nice weather and truth be known, I wished I could have been with them but felt that I had to get some things accomplished. I set in to study and did get a little reading done, when the Holy Spirit seemed to impress upon me that I needed to take a break and go outside. I tried my best to resist the urge, but really felt like I was supposed to take advantage of a divine opportunity - or so I was telling myself as I wrestled with the idea of a "study break."

When I ventured outside, I found the "crew" coming down the road. Their initial goal of helping our daughter learn how to ride a bike had apparently not worked out so well. Brother walked by and said he had tried to help her but to no avail. Mom's patience had run out and so they were all heading back to the house. I felt it was my fatherly "duty" to take a stab at it and try to help our youngest focus on pedaling instead of balance - or lack thereof. Before long we were "hands free" and another bike rider was born. What a thrill for our youngest - and me as well.

This past week I have also been taking on the responsibility of helping my son learn to drive. It's really not too bad and he is doing a great job. I have also found that this scenario is a great opportunity for me to have some wonderful conversations - all while he is a captive audience:)! Honestly, it has been a great time of making memories and talking about things that may have seemed too trivial before.

This all seemed to remind me how fast our children grow up. I think it was just yesterday when I was changing diapers, wiping running noses, and kissing boo-boos. And now before we know it we'll have one less child in the house (o.k. - in 2 years). So I'm glad the Lord helps remind us that there are things more important in life than work, projects, and personal ambitions. It's leaving a legacy of godly children who love the Lord AND their parents after it's all said and done. So take a break when you feel like you can least afford to do so, and spend it with your loved ones - making memories every chance you get.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Well, I just topped my truck off with diesel fuel after some ministry this past Sunday and the pump shut off at $100! I thought that was bad enough until I had to pump another $20 into the tank to fill it up - and I had over a quarter of a tank when I started! No doubt the fuel crisis is getting worse and obviously will have an impact on those traveling in ministry. As I write this post, oil has now climbed to over $129 a barrel - an unbelievable amount of money compared to only 2 years ago.

I just finished reading an article at http://money.cnn.com/2008/05/12/autos/ways_to_not_save_gas/index.htm and found it interesting at some of the results they found. I must admit I have been guilty of a couple of these, but even with the best fuel-efficient vehicle - a lot of miles equals a lot of fuel. This has made me pray harder, fast more often, and talk about the high price of fuel more - albeit I probably shouldn’t. It pays to take a little time to give some well deserved TLC (tender loving care) to your auto every now and then, as well as do a little more planning for trips and even errands around town. God knows our pocket book and our needs - and I'm glad He is still in the provision business!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Let go and let God

I recently had the unpleasant experience of missing a flight. I always, always, always (o.k., not this time) check in for my flight the night before - especially if I am on an extremely early flight. This ensures that I am aware of any changes that have happened pertaining to my flight's status. However, this last time I was leaving a little later and got to bed a little later than normal (that's getting earlier the older I get) - so I decided to skip the check-in until morning. Well, "morning" got busy and I decided I'd just "check-in" at the airport - I'd be early - or so I thought.

When I got to the airport I found out that my flight had been "moved up!" Can you believe it?! A flight moved UP?! Instead of 11:45, my flight now left at 10:40 - or something like that. I was standing in line at 10:15 but that did not matter. I just knew I could make it if they would just let me on - but they didn't. I had "missed" my flight. And because I had "missed" my flight I could not get a flight on another airline - that only happens when a flight is canceled.

As I received the bad news, I knew I could do one of two things. I could get mad at the situation or the ladies who were doing their job and just happened to have the misfortune of being the ones to deliver the bad news, or I could let go of what was "now" out of my control and let God work some good through it all. And God did work good through it all as I was able to make it safely home that night - even my lugguage showed up!

Have you ever been in a place where it would have been easier to react in a typical manner, but you felt the Holy Spirit quicken you and remind you that you were His representative. When we rest in God and allow Him to help us - even when a problem is really our fault - that truly brings Glory to Him and allows us an opportunity to be a light in a world often full of night. I pray the next time things go wrong that you will be able to "Let Go and Let God" have His way in your life.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Oh no!

That’s the thought that ran through my mind when my wonderful wife, Nancy, shared with me that a certain department store was having an incredible sale – 30% off an already 75% reduced price. Although it’s hard to believe that anyone would pass up bargains like that, those bargains could not even begin to compare to the disdain I held for shopping. I would rather change a flat tire in the middle of winter than hazard into a nice warm store crammed full of people fighting for a great deal – and survival.

My idea about shopping is likened unto a special operations unit that has a specific mission. They take months, if not years, to prepare for some of those incredibly treacherous missions. Then, when the time for action approaches, usually in the dark of night when no one else is around, they go in, complete the mission – and get out!

It also reminds me of a needle on a sewing machine. As it goes in and out of a new fabric, it changes that fabric from blasé to brilliant by the watchful eye of the master seamstress. I used to watch my mom make clothes for (mainly) my sisters growing up. There were eight children and mom would often get those patterns you could buy at the store in order to help keep us clothed. I was always amazed to watch a sewing machine in motion – the needle could move slowly – or so fast you could hardly keep up with it while joining two or more pieces of cloth together. So too, my affinity for shopping – go in and out so fast that it is as painless as possible – for me anyway.

But I’m thankful that my wife loves “the hunt,” and is willing to brave the elements (mainly people in this case) to help care for her family. The potential good outweighs the bad, and because of her, our household has been nicely clothed at a fraction of the cost. And I am so thankful that the God who made this universe can still see the good in so many people even though there is a lot of nastiness today; a God who cares so much about us that he has paid the price of helping us get “reconnected,” through the death of His only son – Jesus Christ.

May today be a day that you don’t say “oh no” like I did when “invited” to participate in a shopping endeavor. But a day when you say, “Lord I really would like for you to step into the driver’s seat of my life and help lead me along life’s path.” It’s the greatest bargain this side of heaven because it’s free – and you don’t even have to fight the crowds:).

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Cleaning stalls...

When I was just a kid (way back when), we packed up and moved from Dallas, Texas to a large family farm that we inherited. One of my first jobs (at the ripe age of 8 for .25 cents an hour) was to take pitch fork in hand and clean out some horse stalls that had been neglected for who-knows-how-many years. I found out rather quickly that you can dig and dig and dig and dig quite a hole if you’re not careful in a horse stall that’s been neglected. I also found out that .25 cents an hour was not near enough money for that job, so I promptly asked my dad for a raise at the end of the day to a whopping .50 cents an hour!

While cleaning those stalls, the ammonia like smell and odor of animal waste was almost overwhelming, and it was a good thing the barn had two big doors on both ends of the building to allow for proper ventilation! It took quite some time, but we finally got the stalls fairly well cleaned out and new straw put in its place. Interestingly, when we went to clean the stalls every day it only took a little effort to pick up or clean out the areas that needed attention.

As I was reflecting back on that time when I was a “professional” stall cleaner, it reminded me of how merciful God is to us. He often takes us when we’ve been neglected for so long, and smelling rather offensive spiritually, and lovingly begins to clean us up as only he can do. Many of us can attest to the fact that God usually has to clean us up over a period of time – gently smoothing out the rough edges of our lives one day at a time. But then, as we come before the throne of grace on a daily basis, we find that the cleansing comes a little easier and we rest in him and the power of his might.

I pray that you will allow God the privilege of cleaning out the stalls of your life – no matter how bad you think you smell spiritually. Because God longs to help you and to let you know that he cares deeply about every challenge, trial, anxiety and struggle that you may be facing today.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

I love him too

I was ministering in a small impoverished area of the country not too long ago with numerous individuals who apparently struggled to even pay their bills and live a decent life. After the service one of the men I prayed with came forward to visit - I'll call his name Bill. Bill was unkept and smelled bad...really bad. It was almost nausiating to be honest. His teeth were rotting with black stuff on them and inflamed gums, and breath that literall hit me like a hammer. I was standing there trying my best not to make a face or show any outward sign that I was having difficulties being in Bill's presence. He shared some of his struggles and we prayed for him again. But what happened next will stay with me for a long time - hopefully the rest of my life.

In that moment, while I was thinking about how repulsed I was at the sight and smell of Bill, the Holy Spirit seemed to whisper in my ear something profound. You know, some people like to call that your inner voice, your intuition, that sixth sense, or something else. But it was as though a thought popped into my mind from out of nowhere, and I truly believe that the Lord was speaking to me. I truly feel that way for 2 main reasons. One, I believe that God loves His creation enough that He wants to be personally involved in each of our lives. Second, the words that the Lord seemed to speak to me were: "I love him too."

In the middle of my selfish thought about how repulsed I was with Bill, God shattered my world and helped me refocus on what He (God) was all about. God so loved the world didn't He (John3:16)...even a world that included folks like Bill, who love the Lord but life has not looked favorably upon. To God, we probably all smelled like Bill when we lived our lives without God - almost shouting that we didn't need Him (God). But I'm thankful that I had people who never quit praying for me and that God pursued me even when I did not feel that I needed him. He's pursuing you too...and I hope you let him catch you.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Windsor Family Ministries

Greetings to our new blog! Although we're not the youngest crew on the field this seemed like an awesome way to share our ministry. May the Lord continue to help us craft something worth visiting! You can visit our website at http://www.windsmin.org/.
