Monday, November 17, 2008


I can't believe the outpouring of support and encouragement we have had for our upcoming conference. So many details to think about and so many things that could go almost sounds like a wedding! It will happen one way or another but the little surprises along the way always make the memories:). So many people have given gifts to share and the give aways will be pretty neat (even if I do say so myself). It is just such a God thing and for that I'm grateful. (O.k., if you haven't registered you can online at

The reason I'm grateful lies in the fact that I don't get the credit. So many other people have pitched in to make it a great time and God has helped put so many pieces of the puzzle together that I know He is going to do something great besides just having a good conference. Whether large or small, I really feel that God's presence is going to help make the difference in people's lives...and that's something I can't orchestrate...I can only appreciate and humbly accept it.

Life can be extremely challenging to say the least, whether you are facilitating a conference or just trying to make ends meet. I'm glad that I can go to God's Word - also known as the "Scriptures" - and find encouragement, courage, and peace in times of trial. Jeremiah 23:29 tells us that God's Word is like fire, "and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces." Isn't it nice to know that no matter how large the boulder is that may be in your way, if God has shown you that you are walking in the path He has set before you - His Word alone can move that boulder. To me - that's a real blessing!

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