Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Well, I just topped my truck off with diesel fuel after some ministry this past Sunday and the pump shut off at $100! I thought that was bad enough until I had to pump another $20 into the tank to fill it up - and I had over a quarter of a tank when I started! No doubt the fuel crisis is getting worse and obviously will have an impact on those traveling in ministry. As I write this post, oil has now climbed to over $129 a barrel - an unbelievable amount of money compared to only 2 years ago.

I just finished reading an article at http://money.cnn.com/2008/05/12/autos/ways_to_not_save_gas/index.htm and found it interesting at some of the results they found. I must admit I have been guilty of a couple of these, but even with the best fuel-efficient vehicle - a lot of miles equals a lot of fuel. This has made me pray harder, fast more often, and talk about the high price of fuel more - albeit I probably shouldn’t. It pays to take a little time to give some well deserved TLC (tender loving care) to your auto every now and then, as well as do a little more planning for trips and even errands around town. God knows our pocket book and our needs - and I'm glad He is still in the provision business!

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