Friday, September 19, 2008

A Somber Moment...

This past week has been a bit challenging. On Tuesday I had the honor of attending a fellow colleague’s funeral – only 33 years old and suddenly taken from us. He left behind a wife with 4 children and another one on the way. Devastated would be an understatement on the part of the family and close friends, while questions of why filled the minds of everyone else. The church was packed for the funeral and the ceremony was absolutely splendid – extremely moving, yet with a sense of knowing that even if absent from us here on earth, our brother was now present with the Lord. A somber moment indeed – and a moment for me to reflect yet again how life is “like a vapor” as the Bible says. The comfort of “The Gospel," seems so close at times like this.

Then yesterday I received word that a dear friend of mine – almost a “spiritual father” if you will – slipped into eternity. Although he had lived a wonderfully long life – filled with unselfishness and ministry to others – it hurt. Another friend of mine was gone. I felt somewhat crushed and alone – so I turned to my source of continued strength – the Scriptures, or Holy Bible if you will. Oftentimes, when we don’t know what to do or where to go we can turn to the Scriptures for direction, comfort and hope.

The Scriptures tell us that Jesus Christ is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. A true friend is one that doesn’t leave you when the money runs out, when the good times run out, or when the free meals run out. A true friend is one that stays with you no matter what you do. A true friend can’t keep you from running away from them, but they are always there for you when you get back. That’s what’s so amazing about having a relationship with Jesus Christ – He’s always there.

How about you? Have you been through a difficult time in your life? Has life not gone quite the way you wanted it to? Have you been crushed by some devastating dilemma in your life? Have those who said they were friends run out on you. Today is the day that you can turn to Jesus Christ and ask Him to come and help – to be the friend in your life that doesn’t run away when things go wrong – to help restore a right relationship with God. May life’s somber moments help all of us realize how precious life is, and how all of us need the reassurance that comes with letting Jesus Christ have Lordship and leadership of our lives every single day.

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