Saturday, October 18, 2008


Yesterday I had the privilege of visiting with a young evangelist who is pouring his heart into the ministry. He and his wife take turns doing odd jobs to help make ends meet inbetween services (which I think is a perfectly wonderful idea!). Whenever a new evangelist starts out on "the field" it can really be challenging to say the least. But I was encouraged by this young man's attitude. His passion was for more of God - not a full calendar. And although a full calendar is nice, sometimes we force our way into opportunities that may not be God. Honestly, I feel that God has kept me from some very difficult situations - all because a door did not seem to open for me.

After we finished talking for a while I asked if I could pray with this young man. During our prayer time I felt the Lord humbling me personally. Here I was, praying for someone else to be encouraged and blessed of God, and I was the one being ministered too. After all, who am I to tell anyone else how to "do" their ministry. It was really a neat time of just sensing God's presence as two travelers prayed together that God would forgive us, help us, and strengthen us to do His will. Thank you Lord for being so faithful!

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