Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Holiday Cheer.

It’s hard to believe another year has almost come and gone but it has. This year’s holiday season has been filled with times of reflection, prayer, singing, sharing, reading, and laughter. In many parts of the world, and even in our city, there are many people who are dealing with difficult times right now. It would almost seem impossible to have holiday cheer when the economic or other personal news could be so difficult. Focusing on the blessings of life instead of the hardships, does not foster an escapism attitude, but helps put events in t heir proper perspective.

The Scriptures tells us that the peace of God will guard our hearts and our minds. It is not man’s peace but a divine peace. A peace that “transcends all understanding” we’re told in Philippians 4:7-9. This passage also encourages us to think on things that are pure, true, noble, right, lovely, and admirable. When I think about the price that Jesus Christ paid upon that cross at calvary for me, I am humble. I know I don’t deserve it, but God made a way for me (and you) to have a right relationship with a God who is so awesome that he cares even about the little things in our lives. Our feelings, our disappointments, our failures, and even our successes.

So during this holiday season, make sure to spend some quality time with those around you because life goes by too fast. But also make a point to spend a little time with the One who created you and wants the very best for you. God sent his only son, Jesus Christ, because he loved the world that much (John 3:16). That’s something to be cheerful about!

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