Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Totally Cool!

Life seems to be going a million miles an hour with family, ministry, school, work and a conference that's only 3 weeks away! I feel a bit overwhelmed at times and that seems to lead toward doubt, fear and trying to work things out by myself. I don't know about you, but sometimes I have to head to my prayer closest (o.k., everyday I have to head to my prayer closest) to make sure things are still in control with God. If God is at the helm then I know it will all work out o.k. If I'm at the helm...the future could be vastly different!

Isn't it great that God was and is "longsuffering" or "patient" with us as 2 Peter 3:9 shares? After all we do, or don't do, God still waits for us and lovingly encourages us or corrects. Today, God sent a couple of folks across my path to remind me that He is still in control and working in the background of our lives to ensure things work out according to His plan. It really is nice to know that even when your faith falters, God has the ability to send a few friends your way. That is totally cool!

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