Thursday, August 14, 2008

Do You Believe?

Sitting here, I was just contemplating whether we really believe the Scriptures. We know the Scriptures are the word of God and are even used as official historical documents in many classes. But do we really believe? Do we believe Jesus Christ is the friend that sticks closer than a brother? Do we believe that healing has been provided for each and every one of us through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ upon that cross at Calvary? Do we really believe that God cares about the minutiae in our lives? Do we really believe that God longs to show Himself strong in behalf of them whose heart is perfect towards Him? Do we really believe that through simple faith, allowing Jesus Christ to have lordship and leadership of our lives, and asking him to forgive us of all the wrong things we've done, that old things will really pass away and all things will become new? Is this God a God that actually can make a difference in my life?

I must admit that I do adamantly believe, even though that's probably a real no brainer huh? But after running from God for so many years and then seeing how He turned my life around...yes...I believe. Even during some time this morning while waiting for the doctor to finish some oral surgery on my 7 year old daughter - I believed. I'm thankful for God's peace and healing process - how he made our bodies, how he has allowed me to witness miraculous healing in people's lives, as well as the wonderful doctors he has given us today. I believe. Did we pray? Sure. Did we pray in faith? Sure. And although partial healing came, Hannah needed the surgery. Which just goes to show that God's sovereignty trumps my "wants" any day. But God's ways will always be the best way if we allow Him to speak to us through every situation.

That doesn't mean I never have a down day in my walk with the Lord. The challenge isn't in using the title "Christian" as an excuse. No, the challenge is in working everyday to strengthen the connection with God...making sure that we bring our failures, worries, imperfections, and uncertainties to the cross...and leave them there. It is a daily walk after all...but I believe with all my heart that God loves each of us so much that He will always be there with us. He even tells us in the Scriptures that He will never leave us or forsake us. He's just kinda like that...that's why He's God. I hope today is a day that you determine in your heart to reconnect with God like you never have before - because He's real, He's relevant, and He's even a bit radical.

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