Tuesday, October 21, 2008


This week finds me in a part of rural America where I spent quite a few of my “growing up” years. Hauling hay, cleaning stalls, milking our “one” milk cow - even on Christmas day - were some of the memories that flooded my mind as I drove around the countryside recounting childhood mischief and family activities. Hard work, honesty, and the value of a person’s word were values that rural America instilled in me. But many of the old landmarks were gone, and some of the trusted friends and neighbors had moved on as well…just like I had. The lord and life had carried me into another chapter of my life - just like he has, or will, for each one of you.

Remembering is such a wonderful blessing. I know that there are also bad things that happen, which are hard to forget…making memories bittersweet. But there are so many good things in life that remind me of the goodness of God and His grace in my life. The time I first asked the Lord to be a part of my life and the time I finally came back to Him. Remembering the price he paid for my sins on the cross and the many details of my life that he has orchestrated. A wonderful family and good health. Great friends and opportunities to help others. Today just might be a perfect day for you to remember all the good things that have happened in your life as well - and give God thanks for every one of them.

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