Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Working in Harmony.

The last few days have been packed with school functions and programs prior to the Thanksgiving break. Battling a cold did not help matters at all, but God graciously helped overcome any excessive grumpiness:). It has been incredibly hectic, but so rewarding to see your children grow up and take steps of faith. And watching them share their talents with those around them and the other proud parents in the crowd leaves me without words to describe it. (That in itself is pretty amazing that an evangelist does not have words to describe something!)

But as we sat and listened to an orchestra performance, I marveled at the intricacies of the pieces played. How every person had their part, which had been practiced again, and again, and again. And how that part, played alone, possibly did not sound very exciting. But when combined with all the other instruments and parts, created a harmonious melody that was quite exhilarating to experience. I think of all of God's children. Sometimes we don't think we are very important or possess any special gifts. But when we come together in "one accord" or in agreement, there is nothing we cannot overcome with God's help. Determination and dedication combine to bring forth the very best in our world. So remember that harmony is something we must work at - it does not just happen!

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