Thursday, October 9, 2008


Seasons. We all go through seasons in our lives - and ministry is no different. I was talking to a young evangelist the other day who was working a short term additional job to make ends meet. I was humbled by his positive attitude at what God was doing through their ministry even though he was having to work an additional job. I was complaining (a little) in my last post about having a cancellation, but that is really pretty trivial compared to taking on additional jobs.

So where is the silver lining in all this? I’m thinking the silver lining is that God always makes a way. Sometimes it doesn’t always come in the package we’re expecting, but God always makes a way. In the economic hard times that are obviously ahead, and uncertainty around every corner it seems, God will always make a way for his people. Sometimes it may involve additional employment, or times without travel and the expense that goes with it, or even being temporarily “sidelined” in our view. But we can always share the gospel - the Good News - wherever we are and whatever God has allowed us to do for Him. Our “season” of change, may actually be a divine appointment just waiting to happen.

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