Monday, August 25, 2008

Getting reconnected.

Yesterday was a nice break from ministry, and as I "sat and soaked" up some great preaching and tarried at the altar just talking to the Lord after the service was over, the Holy Spirit began to speak to me about a few things. I guess I had been getting kind of busy and stressed about a few things (please pray for me if you never get stressed about anything). But during that time of just waiting on the Lord he began to assure me that He was in control and the provider of every need. There was no reason for fear or anxiety, but I needed to "rest" in Him.

Isn't that the way God often works. We think we are doing exactly what God desires until the burden and stress load seem to overwhelm us. Them the Lord seems to specifically orchestrate situations (just for us) in order to speak into our lives - helping us get back to the place He longs for us to be. A place of rest, and peace. A place that can only be found when we're connected to God like He intended.

Yep, it's true. God really does want to be "connected" to His creation (that's us). We're special folks because we're made in His image, and we're made to have a relationship with God. But the only way that can happen is if we allow God's son, Jesus Christ, to truly have lordship and leadership of our lives. I love John 3:16. I guess because it never gets old for me...that God loved the world so much that He would send His only son to die in my place on a cross.

Hard to fathom...sure. But God loved you that much. He loved me that much. Oftentimes, that's a whole lot more than I love myself. When we get "reconnected" into a relationship with God, its as though the arms of heaven just wrap around you. That makes getting reconnected pretty nice. How about you? Do you need a hug from heaven? Ask Jesus to be the Lord of your life - then get ready for the hug of your life:).

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