Monday, October 6, 2008

Trusting God.

This last weekend I had a free Sunday due to a cancellation - yep...last minute. Cancellations always hurt, but I was determined to enjoy spending some quality time with family, digging deeper into the Scriptures, and enjoying the service at our home church on Sunday. We had some AWESOME students over to our house on Saturday whom we have "adopted," and we had a great time around food and fellowship. Relationships are just a GREAT part of life!

Then on Sunday, the pastor preached on "trusting God." I don't think the title was exactly that, but it was one of those sermons where God has His own little message for you. Even when a cancellation came unexpectedly, and our economy is full of uncertainty, God is still taking care of His children - even with ravens if need be. God's word is sure and His promises are for you and me - because He looks to show himself strong in behalf of those whose heart is perfect towards Him according to 2 Chronicles 16:9a. I don't know about you, but I'm glad I serve a God who I can count on - no matter what.

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