Monday, December 1, 2008


O.k., that was a pretty lame title right after Thanksgiving huh? But it works and I’m not ashamed to voice the obvious - we all probably ate way too much this past weekend. And if we did eat too much we probably did not head straight to the gym to work off all those excess pounds. You may have just watched the parades and tuned in to watch as many football games as possible…vegetation at it’s best! However, there were some who donned their best clothing to defend against the weather and headed out early to find the best bargains - Black Friday!

I don’t know about you but I have never found a deal so great that I wanted to stay up all night waiting in line for it. Perhaps I’m just getting old, or have lost the thrill of getting the best deal, but I definitely enjoyed a time to sleep in on Friday and spend some quality time with the family over this past weekend. Family time is special time as we tease, hug, play, work, eat, and watch old rerun movies together. I am so thankful that the Lord allowed me to have such a wonderful family.

I do know that some people do not have family or friends and this time of year seems like a tough time to be thankful - especially with the economic news. But having God in our lives, has made us a part of a family that has no boundaries. Wherever I am, I can enjoy being part of a heavenly family that began with getting my relationship back where it needed to be with God. The great thing is that God waits patiently for us, and doesn’t beat us up when we finally find our way back home. His specialty is peace and comfort in the midst of chaos, and a feeling of belonging. That helps me be thankful even in thankless times.

That kind of a relationship is probably the only thing that could cause me to wait up all night in a line. It’s the greatest deal on earth - it’s free - just for the asking. If you don’t have a right relationship with God, may today be a day that you ask Him to help restore you to a place in His family - and He surely will!

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