Monday, December 15, 2008

Absolutely Cold!

Cold...absolutely cold! That's what it is today. Outside the temperature is a frigid 10F with a wind chill of -5F. I'm not sure where you might live, and there will always be somewhere colder, but that is downright cold where I live! When I was growing up on a farm in the central Midwest, we would make sure the livestock were fed and then head to warmer climates--i.e. any place that had a fire! The livestock would enjoy their food and then hide away in a draw or some other sheltered place, all huddled together.

Sometimes, life can be so brutal that we just want to go and hide away in a sheltered place. A place to escape reality for just a while in order to get reoriented or mend some wounds from people around us. I'm so glad that God provided a place where His children can go--a secret place that only those who know Him can find. Psalm 91:1 tells us that those who dwell in the "secret" place of the most high will "rest" in the shadow of the Almighty.

So if it's a secret place then only a select few know how to get to this place. Interestingly, God wants all of us to know how to get to the secret place, because it's a place where we can dwell in His presence. The "shadow" of the Almighty is an awesome place to rest. In the world, shadowy places are places of fear, rejection, abandonment, and pain. But God's shadow is a place of rest, peace, healing, restoration, encouragement, and empowerment. God longs for you and I to take some time out of our busy day and "rest" in Him--just by dwelling in His presence for awhile. That's pretty cool.

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