Sunday, December 7, 2008

Just A Little Time.

What a great feeling to have had a great conference and finally get to the closing meal. All the hard work and financial investment into something worthwhile has come to a close. I don’t know about you, but that has always been a great feeling for me. I guess part of that feeling is relief that it is finally over, but also the fact that God has done some great things and you were allowed to be a part of that.

Seeing people let go of past hurts and disappointments, while being so blessed by God’s Holy Spirit is a bit humbling to me. People who love helping others, but oftentimes there isn’t time enough or opportunity, or a plethora of other reasons why they have not been ministered to themselves. Evangelists and itinerant ministers are typically “givers.” They love to help others and give of themselves exponentially. Many lay persons also fall into this category of unselfish behavior.

Oftentimes those of us who travel, or are “givers,” don’t even realize we have been needing some “refreshment” until we actually get away at a conference or special function and allow God to speak to us. Jesus gave and gave and gave, but He also took time to get alone with God and fellowship with His heavenly Father.

Jesus taught us so many lessons, but one of the more important ones may be that no matter how prominent or improverished we get - we still need to take some time every day to strengthen that relationship with our heavenly Father. Isaiah 40:31 tells us that those who wait upon the Lord will have their strength renewed. I pray today that God will encourage and strengthen you as you make time for Him in prayer - leading you in every area of your life.

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