Thursday, May 1, 2008

Let go and let God

I recently had the unpleasant experience of missing a flight. I always, always, always (o.k., not this time) check in for my flight the night before - especially if I am on an extremely early flight. This ensures that I am aware of any changes that have happened pertaining to my flight's status. However, this last time I was leaving a little later and got to bed a little later than normal (that's getting earlier the older I get) - so I decided to skip the check-in until morning. Well, "morning" got busy and I decided I'd just "check-in" at the airport - I'd be early - or so I thought.

When I got to the airport I found out that my flight had been "moved up!" Can you believe it?! A flight moved UP?! Instead of 11:45, my flight now left at 10:40 - or something like that. I was standing in line at 10:15 but that did not matter. I just knew I could make it if they would just let me on - but they didn't. I had "missed" my flight. And because I had "missed" my flight I could not get a flight on another airline - that only happens when a flight is canceled.

As I received the bad news, I knew I could do one of two things. I could get mad at the situation or the ladies who were doing their job and just happened to have the misfortune of being the ones to deliver the bad news, or I could let go of what was "now" out of my control and let God work some good through it all. And God did work good through it all as I was able to make it safely home that night - even my lugguage showed up!

Have you ever been in a place where it would have been easier to react in a typical manner, but you felt the Holy Spirit quicken you and remind you that you were His representative. When we rest in God and allow Him to help us - even when a problem is really our fault - that truly brings Glory to Him and allows us an opportunity to be a light in a world often full of night. I pray the next time things go wrong that you will be able to "Let Go and Let God" have His way in your life.

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