Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Relationships are such a vibrant part of who we are and can often be the catalyst through which we are able to minister to others. Some time ago, I was enjoying a time of fellowship around a table with some pastors in a particular area. I asked them: "So what can I do to help you?" "How can the national office be helpful to you and your ministries?" The reply I received took me back a bit. A majority of those present said that they would rather "just use my pastor friends." They went on to say, "I know them. I know how they preach. And I know they won't hurt me."

In that moment, the Holy Spirit seemed to speak to me that the reason they were using their pastor friends was because a "trusted" relationship had been formed. They "knew" their pastor friends and trusted them to preach the word of God without causing harm in other ways. It was as if the Holy Spirit turned a light on, illuminating the importance of relationships in life and ministry. I knew relationships were important, but the impact I felt after visiting with those pastors was defining for me. Itinerant ministers, evangelists, and even pastors and lay persons must take the initiative to build "trusted" relationships.

I don't mean that we should only build relationships because we want something - like a service or some other selfish item on our agenda. But we should build relationships because ministry flows out of relationship...relationship with God, relationship with family, relationship with friends. We should build relationships because we truly do care. When ministers work at building relationships, going to sectional, district, or even general council functions, we foster "trusted" relationships - and ministry will undoubtedly follow. When we go out of our way at the grocery store, gas station, bank, or other place of business we frequent, we have the potential to build trusted relationships - opening the door to greater opportunities for sharing the love of Jesus Christ.

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