Monday, November 24, 2008

Excitement mounts...

Well, our National Evangelists Conference will be here a week from Wednesday. December 3-4 will find us hosting anywhere from 75 to 100 folks traveling in for a great time with the Lord. We'll have gifts to give away and bags stuffed with goodies when folks check in. This year we will be on the campus of Central Bible College in Springfield, Missouri which has a little over 600 students...what excitement! We'll even join the students for a normal chapel service with one of our six speakers along with some great food, fellowship, and surprises!

On Wednesday night we'll have a great pastor and evangelist from Argentina - Claudio Freidzon. This will be a bi-lingual service and it is an open service for anyone who wants to attend. Wow...all the planning and work, and more planning and more work. There have been lots of hurdles and struggles along the way so I am looking forward to God's hand being right in the middle of everything this year! There is that sense of excitement, with all the coordinating, speakers, and workshops, right along with the stress of trying to make sure everything goes well.

I'm glad that when life gets stressful, I can go to the Rock that is higher than I am - the Rock of Jesus Christ. A rock is something that doesn't move easily and won't be easily changed by the storms that come its way. Sometimes I feel like the Psalmist, in Psalm 61:2, where he called out to the Lord when his heart was growing faint, he asked the Lord to lead him to the rock that was higher than he was. You know, it's hard to pull someone "up" when you are lower than they are! I am glad that whenever I feel down, I can look "up" to the Rock of Jesus Christ and know that He will pull me "up" when I call on Him. You may not have a conference coming up, but there may be other challenges before you. If so - look up and call on the Rock that is higher than you are!

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