Friday, December 11, 2009

Sometimes It Hurts...

Surgery! Yesterday I had arthroscopic knee surgery for a torn meniscus. I must admit, I’d never had any surgery so-to-speak, except the time I had my wisdom teeth cut out (all four over Christmas holidays during my college years), and got some stitches in my head. {Just a side note: don’t ever stand up quickly while working underneath a combine…It can be painful:).} Since this was my first major surgery with an I.V. I was pretty nervous about the whole thing, but it went so smoothly and everyone has been great. Extra kudos goes to my awesome wife, Nancy, and daughter, Hannah, for bringing me home after the surgery!

This was the wonderful ending to a crisis week. Everything was going great up until a week prior to the surgery date: picking up a set of cheap crutches, insurance details covered, clothing to wear, finish grading papers, arranging schedules since Hannah would be out of school and Joshua would be “home alone.” Then on Sunday I came down with a sinus cold. I couldn’t sleep and I was worried that they wouldn’t let me get the surgery. This was a one-time shot since my schedule would pick up right after the New Year. On Tuesday night it got so bad that I didn’t get to sleep until about 4 a.m. I was miserable, worried, and mad at God.

You would think that being mad at God would be the last thing a person of faith would do. After all, He hadn’t done anything to me personally except help. But that night I felt as though God had let me down, that he had fallen through on his promises. I had held onto the words of Scripture I read and knew that God still answered prayer, but I felt like He was so far away – and it wasn’t fair. I felt like I deserved more. And so I got mad at God and stayed that way for about a day and a half.

But isn’t that ironic; that we often get to a place in life where we feel God owes us something. Honestly, we really don’t deserve anything from God, but His never ending grace has allowed everyone of us the privileged possibility of coming before Him when in need. And sometimes we go through days and weeks and months of testing as we move along this life’s journey. When Job (a Godly husband and father in the book of Job in the Bible) suffered with boils all over his body and lost all he had he still held on to his faith in God and God honored that faith.

After I got over being so mad, I was really ashamed; ashamed that things and circumstances could get me to the point of being mad at God. But isn’t that just like life? Things happen and everyone, even Christians, have days that they have to struggle through – not understanding why their world just got turned upside down. The awesome thing is that God’s grace is greater than our short tempers and times of failure. The Psalmist said in Psalms 31 verse 22, “In my alarm I said, ‘I am cut off from your sight!’ Yet you heard my cry for mercy when I called to you for help.”

Even when we feel like we’ve been cut off from God – He still hears when we pray or talk to Him, and He still answers. He still helps the surgeries of life go better than we could have ever imagined, so even when you don't feel like it, keep holding on and live life to its fullest. That’s what God would want for you, and that’s what you can have when God is right at the center of it all.

Friday, October 9, 2009


This past six months or so have been an incredible journey of transition. Transitions can be disheartening, confusing, exciting, and frustrating all at the same time! My National Evangelists Office duties have come to a close and the national office has been dissolved due to the economy and the providence of God. Yes…the divine providence of God. Oftentimes, when we go through uncertain times and dark valleys along life’s path we want to blame someone or find fault with others. But the reality is that nothing in our lives takes God by surprise. Since I preach along these lines, I surely ought to live that, huh? I have really appreciated the Assemblies of God leadership during this time of transition as well – they’ve been very gracious, and the Executive Presbytery of the AG has asked that I continue as a General Presbyter representing our AG evangelists. Due to all of this, we wrapped up the national office with a great time at some closing events and have moved on…so what’s next?

We are currently increasing our evangelistic ministry and working on our schedule…(isn’t an evangelist always working on their schedule?), and God has graciously helped us fill in ministry opportunities. I am still working on doctoral studies and hope to finish up by early in 2011. Wow, that seems like a long way away right now – but I’m almost half way through! Nancy, Joshua, and Hannah have all sacrificed right along with me on this journey and I truly believe God has something exciting in store at the end of the road! I’m also picking up some additional family responsibilities that I’m excited to be a part of because I think family is extremely important.

But another exciting opportunity has availed itself to us. Central Bible College approached me a couple of months ago and shared that they had been given approval to launch a College of Evangelism. I was asked if I would consider being a part of this initiative and help lend some guidance and direction to this initiative, as well as help with some adjunct teaching. This is an opportunity with a lot of flexibility, which allows our family to continue traveling in itinerant ministry. I can not only help with some teaching, but provide mentoring opportunities and internships as opportunities arise. This will let me continue in ministry (which our family loves) and also finish up my book project – all while sowing into the lives of young men and women!

I can’t honestly say that all the unsettledness of this season of transition has passed, but I can tell you that God is still going before us and helping in every area. I’m glad He’s on the throne of my heart and allows me the privilege of a trusted relationship with Him. I love what Psalms chapter 23 verse 4a tells me: “Even when I walk through the dark valley of death, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.” (NLT) Even when every other friend you may have in the world doesn’t stick around…Jesus Christ is always there. That’s just pretty darn cool.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Don't give up!

I can't believe it's been a month since my last post, but the time just seems to fly by! Since last month we have been through the Assemblies of God's General Council meetings in Orlando, Florida where it was incredibly HOT! Then ministry up in Georgia where it was HOTTER - 106F with humidity that was pretty impressive even if I do say so:). Then finally back to Springfield to spend some down time at home before tying up loose ends in dissolving the National Evangelists Office. But isn't it just like God to open up new doors just at the right time - to send folks to encourage you and pray for you when you're ready to give up.

Although things have changed for our family now, God always had a plan - and God has a plan for you. Moving into new places and opportunities can often be a bit unsettling and downright scary if the truth be known. But the Scriptures tell us that if we take everything to the Lord in prayer, he'll provide a supernatural peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:6-7). He also said that we could cast all our cares on Him because He cares for us! (1 Peter 5:7) Now that's pretty cool to know that no matter what happens with the economy or the circumstances we find ourselves in - God's gotta plan! And not only does God have a plan, but the Scriptures tell us that we have a heavenly friend in Jesus Christ - and he's the kind of friend that sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24).

We don't have to give up with life gets uncertain because God has a pretty impressive collection of resources at our disposal if we would just allow Him an opportunity to lead our lives. He only wants the very best for each one of us and reconnecting with Him is an awesome start to living life to its fullest. And it's as easy as just saying: "Here I am Lord. I give you leadership and lordship of my life. Help me live for you and find out how awesome a relationship with you can really be. Amen." Then seek out a great church to explore the adventures you'll encounter living for God. Now that's living life large!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Oh Deer!

Oh deer - yes deer - not dear. I have recently had the privilege of being on a rather large private college campus that also serves as a wildlife refuge. While the family and I were roaming around looking at the beautiful campus and scenery, we noticed deer feeding in the pastures, feeding around various buildings, as well as the sidewalk where we roamed one evening. It was one of the most incredible sights I had seen in a long time. I must have counted 30, 40, 50, and yes, even close to 70 deer feeding in the pastures - it was quite a sight!

The most intriguing observation was that the deer did not seem afraid of us as we walked by. If you got too close they would still run off, but for the most part they just looked at you and kept eating! They did not seem to have a care in the world, and were busy enjoying their greenery:). They certainly were not worried about tomorrow or next week - and certainly not about next year. A slightly different picture than most folks in our current economic situation.

I thought about how God provides for our every need, and how the Psalmist shares in Psalm chapter 37, verse 25 that he has never "seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread" (New International Version). The Lord also told us in Matthew chapter 6, verse 33 that he "will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern" (New Living Translation).

I hate to admit it, but I do have a tendency to worry about the future; where I need to focus my energies and what I need to prune out of my life. And I admit, I don't always succeed, but I do try to follow God's leading and not my own. I know God's plan for my life and family is perfect and if I can maintain a close relationship with Him, then He'll help me along life's path. I know there are some who feel that "religion" is a crutch, but I have found that my relationship with God is exactly that - a "relationship" - not a crutch. We still have responsibilities to shoulder in this life, but knowing that I have a relationship with a God who cares enough about me to help guide me along this path is truly encouraging - if not downright exciting!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009 just gotta itch 'em

Chiggers. If you've never had the "wonderful" (not really) experience of "having" chiggers, you just can't fathom the depth of itch it produces. Chiggers are so small you can hardly see them and most of the time you get them when walking through wooded areas where there happens to be a lot of brush or other foliage on the ground. When you happen to "get" chiggers, they are extremely hungry and shy (just kidding) and burrow into your skin (not kidding). They start itching within hours it seems and because they are small can find their way into the most private areas (enough said).

This past week I happen to be walking through the woods doing some praying and just talking to God. I had sprayed myself down with a mixture of red apple vinegar and water (an old Ozark favorite recipe to help keep ticks and chiggers at bay). Apparently, I did not spray myself well enough because I ended up with about 25 chigger bites (no fooling)! There are lots of recipes for chigger bits: like the obvious chigger medicine at the local drug store, bathing in bleach water (little bit of bleach to a LOT of water), and painting the bite with finger nail polish to suffocate them.

I've never really found any remedy for chiggers that works wonders, but they all have some benefit. I usually end up scratching mine until they bleed and then scratch them a bit more and the chiggers seem to head out after that! Not a pleasant way to spend a week of your life - then waiting for the sores to heal! It is interesting how we all have remedies to fix the things that go wrong in our lives as well. People have different philosophies on just about everything under the sun, including God.

And even though we try to appease our conscious with our own, often very personal and heartfelt, rationale, we stumble when it comes to having any kind of relationship with God. We don't understand sickness and pain and suffering and wars - so we blame God because we don't know who else to blame. But God really does long to have a personal relationship with his creation (yep, that be us) and he has made a way to do that.

John chapter 3 verse 16 tells us that God loved us so much that he allowed his only son to pay the full price of sin for us all. Even though none of us asked him to - he did it because it was the only way to repair the damage that sin had caused. The Bible also tells us in Romans chapter 6, verse 23, that the wages (or payment) for sin is death, but the "gift" of God is eternal life through His son, Jesus Christ. Spiritual death or an eternity separated from God, from everything that is good and loving and wonderful, is not something that I would wish on anyone - and the Bible tells us that God doesn't want that either. So thankfully he has made a way to repair the damage!

Chiggers will come and they will go, but one thing is for sure - when you get a chigger you can't help but scratch that itch! Scratching it feels good, even though people will tell you it's bad. So we don't listen and scratch anyway...leaving wounds to heal later on. When we do things that do not please God (called sin), we often are doing things that feel good for the moment, but leave wounds to heal over time. The awesome thing about God is that no matter how badly we wound ourselves, God is always there to welcome us back into a relationship with him - a relationship that brings healing beyond our greatest imagination. I'm glad I serve a God like that!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Where's the door?

Often, when we go through challenging times we search and pray and search some more for answers. When the way seems to get darker we pray even more! After all, the Lord did tell us in the Scriptures that "if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." (James 1:5 NIV) So as Christians we often look to God for answers when we have none ourselves!

I'm also amazed at all the advice and counsel you get from family and friends - and even people you don't know very well! It seems when things are already confusing enough, everyone has a word of advice and knows exactly what you should do:). So what do you do when you don't have any answers and everything you have tried has failed, or it just seems like every door you have knocked on is not only shut - but bolted tight?

First, I'm a firm believer in doing the best you can with what you already have in your hand, instead of sitting around waiting for someone else to give you opportunities. The good Lord gave us abilities and talents that we can use, even during downturns and times of uncertainty. Second, I'm also a firm believer in finding comfort in the Scriptures. God has given us his word to guide and comfort us with principles and promises that have stood the test of time. Third, prayer provides opportunities to vent and pour out our frustrations and concerns, as well as give thanks to a heavenly Father who actually does care about even the minutiae of our lives. And Fourth, good friends who will pray with you and encourage you are priceless.

Since our family seems to be going through some transition ourselves, I have been doing a lot of the above: staying busy doing what I know to do, reading the Scriptures, praying, and finding friends to pray with us. As I was praying during a Bible Study tonight, I sense the Lord sharing some wisdom with me. Since I did not see the door which I needed to go through I was praying for God to show me where the door, and direction for my family, was. But it was as if the Lord shared that when it is dark, I have learned to rest upon God and gain a greater sensitivity to His leading in the darkness. But if He illuminated the door, most of us are prone to charge ahead and make a bee-line toward that door without waiting for God's time!

I guess I've learned over the years that not only does God have a perfect plan for each of us, but He also has a perfect time for His plan. When we force our way or our timing on God's plan, we can often abort what would have been a wonderful experience. Just as the birthing process involves patience and waiting, so too the Christian walk is a journey that involves waiting on God and resting in His promise to faithfully lead us just as a shepherd leads his sheep. If "the very hairs of your head are all numbered" (Luke 12:7 NIV) then surely God is able to care for us and lead us through the right door - into a place that is greater than we could have ever imagined. I'm willing to wait for the right door - how about you?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Good Friends.

Tonight we're out in ministry, absent our son who is at a youth retreat. On our way to ministry we stopped in my old home town where most of my relatives have been buried. Mom and Dad, as well as grandparents and cousins are buried there and we wanted to pay our respects. As an added treat we were able to meet up with one of my sisters and laugh about some of the funny times growing up in our rather large family - 8 kids!

Afterward, we headed for our final destination for ministry tomorrow. After checking into our hotel and having a wonderful siesta (nap), we headed to the home of our pastor friend for dinner. They had invited us to their home for dinner and fellowship - just a time of talking about everything that was going on in our lives. We could have opted out and stopped by a fast food place or all gone out to dinner some place, but there is just something about spending time with good friends.

We had a blast, enjoyed some great food, got beat at ping pong (but it was close!), and had an opportunity to talk about things that one would not normally talk about. That's the great thing about good friends - it's a trusted relationship where you feel safe talking about topics that would normally not arise: where ideas can receive some sound wisdom and a reality check it needed:).

There is another friend who the Scriptures tell us sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24). As one who has three brothers and four sisters, I know that family relationships can be close, but never as close as the relationship that Jesus Christ wants to have with each and every one of us. A trusted relationship where I can be myself and share every concern, frustration, heartbreak, and hope. A friend who has suffered like I have (Hebrews 4:15), and who knows how I feel. A friend who paid a valuable price (John 3:16) so that I might have an eternal relationship with a God who cares for each of us.

I am so thankful for good friends, and even more so for The Good Friend I found in Jesus Christ. How about you? Do you need a friend like that? All you have to do is believe (Romans 10:9-10) and invite Jesus to be your best friend and Lord of your life, asking his forgiveness of all the things you might have done that are not pleasing to him; allowing you to experience the best friend a person could ever have. It can be so - for every one of us (Romans 10:13)!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

He Knows.

I know it's been quite a while since my last post (o.k., over a MONTH!), but I've struggled with what to share. These past couple of months have been challenging and busy with ministry, family and national office responsibilities. The seasons seem to be ready to change and trying to discern God's will in all of it has been a full time focus.

With that said, it was interesting that I got a call from a dear friend, about to turn 80, who said that they just felt so impressed to call and pray for me! How encouraging to get a phone call from half way around the world by someone you respect, who just felt impressed to call and encourage you. I was overwhelmed to say the least and quite humbled by it all. I'm always open to the prayers and encouragement of others, so we had a great time of visiting about the past and future - then culminated our conversation with prayer for each other.

When I hug up the phone, I just sat still for a moment and pondered the goodness of God. Some folks don't believe in God and I respect their views - but obviously and respectfully disagree. I look around this old planet with all the intricacies of life and the precise balance in it all and ask - how can there not be a God? Scientists have looked all throughout the universe as far as they have been able to see and cannot find life like we have on earth. The human body itself is quite an amazing creation - especially when everything is working the way it was designed.

The Holy Bible, or the "Scriptures" as they are sometimes called, tells us in Psalm 19 verse 1 that "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." Psalm 139 verse 14 shares that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made," and to think that God even knows when we need someone to encourage us is quite amazing. But that's the God who longs to know each of us better, helping us see that we can trust him in every situation - it every area of our lives. Thanks God...for being such an awesome creator, who actually cares so much about your creation, that you get involved in our everyday lives.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Gutenberg!

Today I had the opportunity to see a copy of the 42-line Gutenberg Bible. The Gutenberg Bible was printed by the first movable printing press developed in Germany by…who else…Mr. Gutenberg. Thus, the name of the press – the “Gutenberg” press. A bit obvious but I just wanted to be clear about it all. There was also a 36-line version but it appears that all of the complete Gutenberg’s today are of the 42-line version.

We were told that the librarians turn one page of the Bible every day so that the light does not affect one page more than another. It takes two large volumes to bind the complete Bible, and only 40-some copies exist today. Although there are older Bibles written in Hebrew, Greek, and other ancient near eastern languages – to stand in front of this Bible was quite an experience.

As I walked away I began to think about how much it meant to me that I did not have to come to a certain place during certain times in order to communicate with God. God so loved the whole world He created that He made provision for all of us to have a special relationship with Him. His son, Jesus Christ, paid a great price in order for us to enjoy a special relationship with God and communicate with Him in prayer. Prayer is just communicating with God with a faith (or belief) that He does indeed ear what we say.

Although I couldn’t read the Latin words contained in the Gutenberg Bible, I can read the English words of the Bible I have. And I can also share my burdens and delights with a God who cares deeply about me. That same God cares deeply about me – and you as well. Have you ever thought about trying to communicate with the God our Bible talks about? He really does love and care about you and longs to show Himself strong in your behalf. Check out 2 Chronicles 16:9 (that is chapter 16, verse 9 in the Bible’s 2nd book of Chronicles) to see for yourself!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Burned-over Ground.

I recently had the opportunity to witness a small forest fire that had apparently gotten a bit out of hand. Although the fire was only about 200 to 300 yards wide, it was growing and coming my way! I called a neighbor who called the fire department and slowly but surely the rural fire department began to assembly to put the fire out. The conservation bulldozer was even called out to carve a firebreak path around the fire. Everyone worked together to contain the fire so that damage remained minimal.

The next day I walked back down to the area where the fire had burned. Some logs, and even standing dead timbers, still smoldered in the aftermath of that fire. Everything looked dead and lifeless. A bleak picture remained of the charming wooded landscape that had graced that part of the country only hours before. But one of the volunteer fire fighters said something interesting after fighting the fire the night before. He said, "you're going to have the greenest patch of grass down there this summer." The fire had served a valid purpose in burning up much of the "deadness" in the forest, allowing a new start to begin.

And how true, that even in our own lives we often don't realize that the fires which burn up the trash and dead stuff actually lead to a healthier place in the long run. I must admit, that when I'm putting out my own spiritual fires, I don't feel very excited about the "greenest grass" awaiting me in the future. As a matter of fact, I'm more likely to be fighting bitterness, or hurt, or some other not very pleasant feeling. And even though God does not always remove our battles, he does, in fact, allow all these thing to "work for the good" (Romans 8:28).

It is nice to know that the God who made heaven and earth, sent his only son, Jesus Christ, who knows how we feel, to provide an opportunity for each of us to have a right relationship with God. I'm glad that I have a friend in Jesus Christ who helps me along life's path, and is able to sympathize with my weaknesses; one "who has been tempted in every way, just as we are--yet without sin." (Hebrew 4:15). A friend who knows how to intercede for me, and sustain me while burning up the trash, so I can have a fresh start every single day.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

My Journey

My journey isn't exactly what you might think it is (even though I am a month behind in my posts!). Although we all go through journeys in this life, the journey I'm initially referring to is my Dodge Journey rental car. As I was standing in line for my rental vehicle I wondered what type of vehicle I would get. Trying to be economical can lead to some humbling selections of automotive transportation. When my wonderful attendant told me that I would be driving a "Journey" I did not have a clue what a Journey looked like and had a funny feeling I might not like it.

After driving my "Journey" for awhile I found that it did the job I needed - even though I love more power in my vehicles! It was fairly new and comfortable, with some neat gadgets - except cruise control of all things. But my Journey kept me safe and on time with my appointments. A seemingly dependible little car - did I say little? O.k., rather small for a larger person:).

After a great meeting with some wonderful Kentucky evangelists and their district superintendent, I drove down to Corbin, KY for a Sunday morning service. And here I am, at the home of the original KFC and the beautiful Cumberland Falls not too far off. So now I'm doing some reflecting in my hotel room and thinking about my real journey - my life's journey.

My journey is so intriguing at times, because, as a Christian, I often rest in God and strive to sense His direction. I know I falter in this effort often, but still I try. Sometimes the journey is through beautiful seasons of ministry, enjoying the family, and finding fun time for myself and others. But sometimes our journeys encounter rainstorms, ice, sleet, snow (called for tonight), and other disruptions that cause us to ponder God's intent. If He would just spell it out to us we'd be happy to oblige - or so we think.

When I think about my journey with God, even though there may be times of uncertainty or frustration, I take comfort in knowing God is there for me every step of the way. He even tells in Psalms 23, that even though we walk through the "valley of the shadow of death" He provides us with supernatural comfort. How awesome to know that the God of the universe cares so much about you that he provides comfort for you whether you are on the mountaintop or plodding on through the valleys of life. It's a journey. And just like driving down the road - I can't wait to see what lies just around the bend.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Icy Blast.

This past week has been quite a blast from Old Man Winter. Although I took these photos from the ice storm we had in Springfield last year, this week’s combination of freezing rain, sleet, and snow was still a major storm for us. As a matter of fact, there are currently about 1 million folks without power from Texas all the way to Kentucky and beyond. Thankfully, we got more sleet and snow than freezing rain so not as many folks are without power in our immediate area. But we remember all too clearly what powerlessness feels like.

Today’s events with weather, coupled with the economic challenges and so many folks without jobs can surely make a person feel like they are powerless in many respects. But there is one thing that no one can take away from us and that is the privilege of prayer. Prayer changes things - and it especially changes us. It helps give us peace in the midst of uncertainty and chaos - even unemployment and power outages.

The apostle Paul was a very devoted man who loved God with all his heart. He wrote a large portion of what we call the New Testament portion of the Bible. One of his letters was written to the people at Philippi. He told them in the book of Philippians 4:6-7, that we should not be anxious about anything but present our requests to God. And God in return would give us a peace that would “guard” our hearts and minds. That’s the kind of peace that even an icy blast can’t steal!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Prayer changes...

Prayer changes so many things. It is interesting that we often pray for God to change situations and help us out of hardships. I don't think this is necessarily wrong, but we probably pray for God to change something, or someone, for us far more often than we pray for God to change us! I say this because I recently found myself in a rather difficult spot. A certain series of circumstances were really weighing on my mind and I was getting angry over things that I really had no control over. I found that I had an extremely difficult time getting over my anger. You of those things that hits you out of "left field" so-to-speak. I was not even expecting the situation and so I was hurt and a bit angry...o.k., a lot angry.

But the more I prayed the more the Lord began to show me that I was angry because I was not in control. I thought I knew what was best and when it did not happen that way I got upset. I supported my decision to be angry with all kinds of good Scriptures too! But the more I prayed, I knew the Lord was telling me that I needed to submit not only to Him, but to the authority that he had placed over me. As the Lord showed me that, the anger seemed to break. I knew that I could trust God to bring me through whatever might happen and He would do it better than I ever could. I suddenly remembered Philippians 2:14, "for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose." My prayer for God to change others, had turned into an unexpected blessing for me - I was the one who needed about you?

Sunday, January 11, 2009


At first I thought I needed to ask forgiveness for not writing in such a long time but I know everyone realizes how nice it is to take a break…especially over the holidays! So I’m just now getting back in the groove and had some “blogging” on my mind. But today the Lord reminded me about how all of us need forgiveness, but we also need to forgive others, as well as ourselves.

Forgiveness is so nice. When you know you have done something less than honestly, or taken something you shouldn’t, or even speak words that hurt. The thought of that action usually stays with us for quite some time - long after the actual event took place. But those thoughts can actually be a weight of bondage to us and the thought of asking forgiveness actually brings fear. What will they do, since we think “we know” what we deserve.

But what a relief when we apologize or ask forgiveness and the other person readily accepts - with no malice intended. Jesus said in John 15:13, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” But the greatest treasure is that Jesus has called us friends, and he displayed the greatest love by laying down His life for ours and all the wrongs we could ever do. As Ephesians 1:7 shares with us, when we come asking forgiveness from God for not living the life we should, we can know that we have forgiveness through Jesus Christ. What an incredible gift from God.