Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Gutenberg!

Today I had the opportunity to see a copy of the 42-line Gutenberg Bible. The Gutenberg Bible was printed by the first movable printing press developed in Germany by…who else…Mr. Gutenberg. Thus, the name of the press – the “Gutenberg” press. A bit obvious but I just wanted to be clear about it all. There was also a 36-line version but it appears that all of the complete Gutenberg’s today are of the 42-line version.

We were told that the librarians turn one page of the Bible every day so that the light does not affect one page more than another. It takes two large volumes to bind the complete Bible, and only 40-some copies exist today. Although there are older Bibles written in Hebrew, Greek, and other ancient near eastern languages – to stand in front of this Bible was quite an experience.

As I walked away I began to think about how much it meant to me that I did not have to come to a certain place during certain times in order to communicate with God. God so loved the whole world He created that He made provision for all of us to have a special relationship with Him. His son, Jesus Christ, paid a great price in order for us to enjoy a special relationship with God and communicate with Him in prayer. Prayer is just communicating with God with a faith (or belief) that He does indeed ear what we say.

Although I couldn’t read the Latin words contained in the Gutenberg Bible, I can read the English words of the Bible I have. And I can also share my burdens and delights with a God who cares deeply about me. That same God cares deeply about me – and you as well. Have you ever thought about trying to communicate with the God our Bible talks about? He really does love and care about you and longs to show Himself strong in your behalf. Check out 2 Chronicles 16:9 (that is chapter 16, verse 9 in the Bible’s 2nd book of Chronicles) to see for yourself!

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