Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Where's the door?

Often, when we go through challenging times we search and pray and search some more for answers. When the way seems to get darker we pray even more! After all, the Lord did tell us in the Scriptures that "if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." (James 1:5 NIV) So as Christians we often look to God for answers when we have none ourselves!

I'm also amazed at all the advice and counsel you get from family and friends - and even people you don't know very well! It seems when things are already confusing enough, everyone has a word of advice and knows exactly what you should do:). So what do you do when you don't have any answers and everything you have tried has failed, or it just seems like every door you have knocked on is not only shut - but bolted tight?

First, I'm a firm believer in doing the best you can with what you already have in your hand, instead of sitting around waiting for someone else to give you opportunities. The good Lord gave us abilities and talents that we can use, even during downturns and times of uncertainty. Second, I'm also a firm believer in finding comfort in the Scriptures. God has given us his word to guide and comfort us with principles and promises that have stood the test of time. Third, prayer provides opportunities to vent and pour out our frustrations and concerns, as well as give thanks to a heavenly Father who actually does care about even the minutiae of our lives. And Fourth, good friends who will pray with you and encourage you are priceless.

Since our family seems to be going through some transition ourselves, I have been doing a lot of the above: staying busy doing what I know to do, reading the Scriptures, praying, and finding friends to pray with us. As I was praying during a Bible Study tonight, I sense the Lord sharing some wisdom with me. Since I did not see the door which I needed to go through I was praying for God to show me where the door, and direction for my family, was. But it was as if the Lord shared that when it is dark, I have learned to rest upon God and gain a greater sensitivity to His leading in the darkness. But if He illuminated the door, most of us are prone to charge ahead and make a bee-line toward that door without waiting for God's time!

I guess I've learned over the years that not only does God have a perfect plan for each of us, but He also has a perfect time for His plan. When we force our way or our timing on God's plan, we can often abort what would have been a wonderful experience. Just as the birthing process involves patience and waiting, so too the Christian walk is a journey that involves waiting on God and resting in His promise to faithfully lead us just as a shepherd leads his sheep. If "the very hairs of your head are all numbered" (Luke 12:7 NIV) then surely God is able to care for us and lead us through the right door - into a place that is greater than we could have ever imagined. I'm willing to wait for the right door - how about you?

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