Tuesday, May 5, 2009

He Knows.

I know it's been quite a while since my last post (o.k., over a MONTH!), but I've struggled with what to share. These past couple of months have been challenging and busy with ministry, family and national office responsibilities. The seasons seem to be ready to change and trying to discern God's will in all of it has been a full time focus.

With that said, it was interesting that I got a call from a dear friend, about to turn 80, who said that they just felt so impressed to call and pray for me! How encouraging to get a phone call from half way around the world by someone you respect, who just felt impressed to call and encourage you. I was overwhelmed to say the least and quite humbled by it all. I'm always open to the prayers and encouragement of others, so we had a great time of visiting about the past and future - then culminated our conversation with prayer for each other.

When I hug up the phone, I just sat still for a moment and pondered the goodness of God. Some folks don't believe in God and I respect their views - but obviously and respectfully disagree. I look around this old planet with all the intricacies of life and the precise balance in it all and ask - how can there not be a God? Scientists have looked all throughout the universe as far as they have been able to see and cannot find life like we have on earth. The human body itself is quite an amazing creation - especially when everything is working the way it was designed.

The Holy Bible, or the "Scriptures" as they are sometimes called, tells us in Psalm 19 verse 1 that "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." Psalm 139 verse 14 shares that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made," and to think that God even knows when we need someone to encourage us is quite amazing. But that's the God who longs to know each of us better, helping us see that we can trust him in every situation - it every area of our lives. Thanks God...for being such an awesome creator, who actually cares so much about your creation, that you get involved in our everyday lives.

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