Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Chiggers...you just gotta itch 'em

Chiggers. If you've never had the "wonderful" (not really) experience of "having" chiggers, you just can't fathom the depth of itch it produces. Chiggers are so small you can hardly see them and most of the time you get them when walking through wooded areas where there happens to be a lot of brush or other foliage on the ground. When you happen to "get" chiggers, they are extremely hungry and shy (just kidding) and burrow into your skin (not kidding). They start itching within hours it seems and because they are small can find their way into the most private areas (enough said).

This past week I happen to be walking through the woods doing some praying and just talking to God. I had sprayed myself down with a mixture of red apple vinegar and water (an old Ozark favorite recipe to help keep ticks and chiggers at bay). Apparently, I did not spray myself well enough because I ended up with about 25 chigger bites (no fooling)! There are lots of recipes for chigger bits: like the obvious chigger medicine at the local drug store, bathing in bleach water (little bit of bleach to a LOT of water), and painting the bite with finger nail polish to suffocate them.

I've never really found any remedy for chiggers that works wonders, but they all have some benefit. I usually end up scratching mine until they bleed and then scratch them a bit more and the chiggers seem to head out after that! Not a pleasant way to spend a week of your life - then waiting for the sores to heal! It is interesting how we all have remedies to fix the things that go wrong in our lives as well. People have different philosophies on just about everything under the sun, including God.

And even though we try to appease our conscious with our own, often very personal and heartfelt, rationale, we stumble when it comes to having any kind of relationship with God. We don't understand sickness and pain and suffering and wars - so we blame God because we don't know who else to blame. But God really does long to have a personal relationship with his creation (yep, that be us) and he has made a way to do that.

John chapter 3 verse 16 tells us that God loved us so much that he allowed his only son to pay the full price of sin for us all. Even though none of us asked him to - he did it because it was the only way to repair the damage that sin had caused. The Bible also tells us in Romans chapter 6, verse 23, that the wages (or payment) for sin is death, but the "gift" of God is eternal life through His son, Jesus Christ. Spiritual death or an eternity separated from God, from everything that is good and loving and wonderful, is not something that I would wish on anyone - and the Bible tells us that God doesn't want that either. So thankfully he has made a way to repair the damage!

Chiggers will come and they will go, but one thing is for sure - when you get a chigger you can't help but scratch that itch! Scratching it feels good, even though people will tell you it's bad. So we don't listen and scratch anyway...leaving wounds to heal later on. When we do things that do not please God (called sin), we often are doing things that feel good for the moment, but leave wounds to heal over time. The awesome thing about God is that no matter how badly we wound ourselves, God is always there to welcome us back into a relationship with him - a relationship that brings healing beyond our greatest imagination. I'm glad I serve a God like that!

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