Friday, October 31, 2008

Emerging Evangelists.

The past couple of weeks I have had the wonderful opportunity to visit with several young Assemblies of God evangelists. I've been able to chat with them one-on-one and hear their passions as well as their frustrations. I have been able to let them hear my heart and know that someone really does care about them. I even had one evangelist tell me that they had been in ministry for about a year now and no one had ever called just to ask how they were doing - that really weighed heavily on me.

But God has been encouraging me by the young men and women who are answering the call to evangelistic ministry. Even though I hear some say that the day of the evangelist is over - I STRONGLY disagree. O.k., I'm a bit biased in that regard, but I truly do feel that the evangelist is one of God's gifts to the Church - and as a gift we can obviously choose to receive or reject it. There are obviously good and not-so-good ministers wherever you go, but I am seeing a generation of young people passionate about Jesus Christ and passionate about bringing honor and respect back to the office of the evangelist.

Our office has put together a new evangelist information packet that we send out free of charge to those folks sensing the call to evangelistic ministry. We just turned this on last month and we sent out 12 in September and 20 in October! That's telling me that God is still calling men and women to evangelistic ministry! How awesome to see God touching the hearts and minds of those willing to answer the call today and launch into a field of ministry that is challenging to say the least. Today, would you pray for our evangelists - that God would supply all of their personal and ministry needs? That opportunities would avail themselves in miraculous ways if need be? And that God would help give me guidance and wisdom in our national office initiatives - because He alone gets all the glory.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Relationships are such a vibrant part of who we are and can often be the catalyst through which we are able to minister to others. Some time ago, I was enjoying a time of fellowship around a table with some pastors in a particular area. I asked them: "So what can I do to help you?" "How can the national office be helpful to you and your ministries?" The reply I received took me back a bit. A majority of those present said that they would rather "just use my pastor friends." They went on to say, "I know them. I know how they preach. And I know they won't hurt me."

In that moment, the Holy Spirit seemed to speak to me that the reason they were using their pastor friends was because a "trusted" relationship had been formed. They "knew" their pastor friends and trusted them to preach the word of God without causing harm in other ways. It was as if the Holy Spirit turned a light on, illuminating the importance of relationships in life and ministry. I knew relationships were important, but the impact I felt after visiting with those pastors was defining for me. Itinerant ministers, evangelists, and even pastors and lay persons must take the initiative to build "trusted" relationships.

I don't mean that we should only build relationships because we want something - like a service or some other selfish item on our agenda. But we should build relationships because ministry flows out of relationship...relationship with God, relationship with family, relationship with friends. We should build relationships because we truly do care. When ministers work at building relationships, going to sectional, district, or even general council functions, we foster "trusted" relationships - and ministry will undoubtedly follow. When we go out of our way at the grocery store, gas station, bank, or other place of business we frequent, we have the potential to build trusted relationships - opening the door to greater opportunities for sharing the love of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


This week finds me in a part of rural America where I spent quite a few of my “growing up” years. Hauling hay, cleaning stalls, milking our “one” milk cow - even on Christmas day - were some of the memories that flooded my mind as I drove around the countryside recounting childhood mischief and family activities. Hard work, honesty, and the value of a person’s word were values that rural America instilled in me. But many of the old landmarks were gone, and some of the trusted friends and neighbors had moved on as well…just like I had. The lord and life had carried me into another chapter of my life - just like he has, or will, for each one of you.

Remembering is such a wonderful blessing. I know that there are also bad things that happen, which are hard to forget…making memories bittersweet. But there are so many good things in life that remind me of the goodness of God and His grace in my life. The time I first asked the Lord to be a part of my life and the time I finally came back to Him. Remembering the price he paid for my sins on the cross and the many details of my life that he has orchestrated. A wonderful family and good health. Great friends and opportunities to help others. Today just might be a perfect day for you to remember all the good things that have happened in your life as well - and give God thanks for every one of them.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Yesterday I had the privilege of visiting with a young evangelist who is pouring his heart into the ministry. He and his wife take turns doing odd jobs to help make ends meet inbetween services (which I think is a perfectly wonderful idea!). Whenever a new evangelist starts out on "the field" it can really be challenging to say the least. But I was encouraged by this young man's attitude. His passion was for more of God - not a full calendar. And although a full calendar is nice, sometimes we force our way into opportunities that may not be God. Honestly, I feel that God has kept me from some very difficult situations - all because a door did not seem to open for me.

After we finished talking for a while I asked if I could pray with this young man. During our prayer time I felt the Lord humbling me personally. Here I was, praying for someone else to be encouraged and blessed of God, and I was the one being ministered too. After all, who am I to tell anyone else how to "do" their ministry. It was really a neat time of just sensing God's presence as two travelers prayed together that God would forgive us, help us, and strengthen us to do His will. Thank you Lord for being so faithful!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Glad to be an Evangelist.

After this weekend I was reminded why I love being an evangelist so much. During some weekend ministry in St. Jerome, Quebec, Canada, I had the privilege of personally praying with three individuals to receive Jesus Christ as their savior for the first time. That in itself was a humbling opportunity to see God at work in people's lives. God also moved in the altar times and ministered to numerous people throughout the weekend. One lady came up to us just beaming and testifying that she had been in severe depression for quite some time and the Lord delivered her of it the night before. Besides all that I was honored to meet some wonderful saints of God who made me feel just like family.

I say all that not to exalt anyone but God, and to thank Him for allowing me the privilege of witnessing His providential acts of grace. How thrilling to help usher individuals into the kingdom of God, or help give them hope in desperate times, or see prayer for healing take place, or folks baptized in the Holy Spirit. What a joy to travel throughout this world as ministers of God's grace and proclaimers of the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Being an evangelist has given so many a wonderful sense of fulfillment - knowing that they are assuredly in the perfect will of God. Thank you for answering the call of an Evangelist, or for being a walking testimony of the goodness of God if you are in another vocation. Allowing ourselves the blessing of being used by God will undoubtedly provide us with a lifetime of fulfillment and an opportunity to help others find an eternal relationship with a Savior who cares.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Seasons. We all go through seasons in our lives - and ministry is no different. I was talking to a young evangelist the other day who was working a short term additional job to make ends meet. I was humbled by his positive attitude at what God was doing through their ministry even though he was having to work an additional job. I was complaining (a little) in my last post about having a cancellation, but that is really pretty trivial compared to taking on additional jobs.

So where is the silver lining in all this? I’m thinking the silver lining is that God always makes a way. Sometimes it doesn’t always come in the package we’re expecting, but God always makes a way. In the economic hard times that are obviously ahead, and uncertainty around every corner it seems, God will always make a way for his people. Sometimes it may involve additional employment, or times without travel and the expense that goes with it, or even being temporarily “sidelined” in our view. But we can always share the gospel - the Good News - wherever we are and whatever God has allowed us to do for Him. Our “season” of change, may actually be a divine appointment just waiting to happen.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Trusting God.

This last weekend I had a free Sunday due to a cancellation - yep...last minute. Cancellations always hurt, but I was determined to enjoy spending some quality time with family, digging deeper into the Scriptures, and enjoying the service at our home church on Sunday. We had some AWESOME students over to our house on Saturday whom we have "adopted," and we had a great time around food and fellowship. Relationships are just a GREAT part of life!

Then on Sunday, the pastor preached on "trusting God." I don't think the title was exactly that, but it was one of those sermons where God has His own little message for you. Even when a cancellation came unexpectedly, and our economy is full of uncertainty, God is still taking care of His children - even with ravens if need be. God's word is sure and His promises are for you and me - because He looks to show himself strong in behalf of those whose heart is perfect towards Him according to 2 Chronicles 16:9a. I don't know about you, but I'm glad I serve a God who I can count on - no matter what.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

What A Week!

Wow! Settling back into a classroom environment has been a bit challenging this week as I stepped into a Doctor of Ministry program. But what a rich time this has been with Dr. Earl Creps. I must admit it was a marathon reading endeavor to hammer through all the books required, but what a great time of discussion as well as meeting some new friends. Sitting around the table with twelve other ministers challenged, and at times intimidated me a bit. That’s the great thing about God’s kingdom – it’s not all about us – it’s all about God’s kingdom. And we can all learn from each other! Take a second to learn something new today – because every day is an opportunity to enrich our lives for God’s glory.