Monday, November 24, 2008

Excitement mounts...

Well, our National Evangelists Conference will be here a week from Wednesday. December 3-4 will find us hosting anywhere from 75 to 100 folks traveling in for a great time with the Lord. We'll have gifts to give away and bags stuffed with goodies when folks check in. This year we will be on the campus of Central Bible College in Springfield, Missouri which has a little over 600 students...what excitement! We'll even join the students for a normal chapel service with one of our six speakers along with some great food, fellowship, and surprises!

On Wednesday night we'll have a great pastor and evangelist from Argentina - Claudio Freidzon. This will be a bi-lingual service and it is an open service for anyone who wants to attend. Wow...all the planning and work, and more planning and more work. There have been lots of hurdles and struggles along the way so I am looking forward to God's hand being right in the middle of everything this year! There is that sense of excitement, with all the coordinating, speakers, and workshops, right along with the stress of trying to make sure everything goes well.

I'm glad that when life gets stressful, I can go to the Rock that is higher than I am - the Rock of Jesus Christ. A rock is something that doesn't move easily and won't be easily changed by the storms that come its way. Sometimes I feel like the Psalmist, in Psalm 61:2, where he called out to the Lord when his heart was growing faint, he asked the Lord to lead him to the rock that was higher than he was. You know, it's hard to pull someone "up" when you are lower than they are! I am glad that whenever I feel down, I can look "up" to the Rock of Jesus Christ and know that He will pull me "up" when I call on Him. You may not have a conference coming up, but there may be other challenges before you. If so - look up and call on the Rock that is higher than you are!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Working in Harmony.

The last few days have been packed with school functions and programs prior to the Thanksgiving break. Battling a cold did not help matters at all, but God graciously helped overcome any excessive grumpiness:). It has been incredibly hectic, but so rewarding to see your children grow up and take steps of faith. And watching them share their talents with those around them and the other proud parents in the crowd leaves me without words to describe it. (That in itself is pretty amazing that an evangelist does not have words to describe something!)

But as we sat and listened to an orchestra performance, I marveled at the intricacies of the pieces played. How every person had their part, which had been practiced again, and again, and again. And how that part, played alone, possibly did not sound very exciting. But when combined with all the other instruments and parts, created a harmonious melody that was quite exhilarating to experience. I think of all of God's children. Sometimes we don't think we are very important or possess any special gifts. But when we come together in "one accord" or in agreement, there is nothing we cannot overcome with God's help. Determination and dedication combine to bring forth the very best in our world. So remember that harmony is something we must work at - it does not just happen!

Monday, November 17, 2008


I can't believe the outpouring of support and encouragement we have had for our upcoming conference. So many details to think about and so many things that could go almost sounds like a wedding! It will happen one way or another but the little surprises along the way always make the memories:). So many people have given gifts to share and the give aways will be pretty neat (even if I do say so myself). It is just such a God thing and for that I'm grateful. (O.k., if you haven't registered you can online at

The reason I'm grateful lies in the fact that I don't get the credit. So many other people have pitched in to make it a great time and God has helped put so many pieces of the puzzle together that I know He is going to do something great besides just having a good conference. Whether large or small, I really feel that God's presence is going to help make the difference in people's lives...and that's something I can't orchestrate...I can only appreciate and humbly accept it.

Life can be extremely challenging to say the least, whether you are facilitating a conference or just trying to make ends meet. I'm glad that I can go to God's Word - also known as the "Scriptures" - and find encouragement, courage, and peace in times of trial. Jeremiah 23:29 tells us that God's Word is like fire, "and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces." Isn't it nice to know that no matter how large the boulder is that may be in your way, if God has shown you that you are walking in the path He has set before you - His Word alone can move that boulder. To me - that's a real blessing!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Totally Cool!

Life seems to be going a million miles an hour with family, ministry, school, work and a conference that's only 3 weeks away! I feel a bit overwhelmed at times and that seems to lead toward doubt, fear and trying to work things out by myself. I don't know about you, but sometimes I have to head to my prayer closest (o.k., everyday I have to head to my prayer closest) to make sure things are still in control with God. If God is at the helm then I know it will all work out o.k. If I'm at the helm...the future could be vastly different!

Isn't it great that God was and is "longsuffering" or "patient" with us as 2 Peter 3:9 shares? After all we do, or don't do, God still waits for us and lovingly encourages us or corrects. Today, God sent a couple of folks across my path to remind me that He is still in control and working in the background of our lives to ensure things work out according to His plan. It really is nice to know that even when your faith falters, God has the ability to send a few friends your way. That is totally cool!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Camp Meeting 21

Camp Meeting 21 was an idea put down in writing by the late evangelist Jack McIntosh. Jack truly believed in revival and felt that today's evangelist and itinerant minister could compliment pastors today in the right setting. I remember talking with Jack on a couple of occasions and sensing his passion for a ministry that made a difference. Jack had been a pastor for many years prior to launching out in the evangelistic field, so he brought a wealth of experience to the field. It seemed inevitable that Jack would find a way for evangelists and pastors to partner together in an emergent church setting.

In Jack's study, entitled Camp Meeting 21, Jack looks at the possibility of extended exposure to congregations in a 21st century venue. Since most churches today cannot have extended services for many reasons - many of which are because people are busy and can't make it to nightly meetings - a series of "one day" events are utilized. Having a big name speaker come in for one day is nice, but most local congregations won't feel the liberty to share their burdens with a prominent personality today. Albeit, if you had an evangelist, who shared the pastor's passion and vision for that church, come in for a series of services you would have a more lasting affect upon a congregation.

This might take the form of 4 consecutive Wednesday night, Sunday morning, or Sunday night services - or even a variation of all three. The benefit of this type of venue allows a congregation to get to know the speaker and feel comfortable participating in the services. And when the speaker returns...they just pick up where they left off. Similar to when a pastor preaches a series...the foundation gets laid the first service and then you build upon that! Evangelists could then utilize a regional base of operations, if you will, allowing travel expenses to stay at a minimal.

I know this is a bit LONG today and isn't typical "blog" material but I just wanted to share some great material from a great man who just wanted to make a difference with his life. All of us have something we can share with others...maybe you should take some time right now to jot down a few things you could share with the next generation - making a difference in your world today.