Sunday, January 11, 2009


At first I thought I needed to ask forgiveness for not writing in such a long time but I know everyone realizes how nice it is to take a break…especially over the holidays! So I’m just now getting back in the groove and had some “blogging” on my mind. But today the Lord reminded me about how all of us need forgiveness, but we also need to forgive others, as well as ourselves.

Forgiveness is so nice. When you know you have done something less than honestly, or taken something you shouldn’t, or even speak words that hurt. The thought of that action usually stays with us for quite some time - long after the actual event took place. But those thoughts can actually be a weight of bondage to us and the thought of asking forgiveness actually brings fear. What will they do, since we think “we know” what we deserve.

But what a relief when we apologize or ask forgiveness and the other person readily accepts - with no malice intended. Jesus said in John 15:13, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” But the greatest treasure is that Jesus has called us friends, and he displayed the greatest love by laying down His life for ours and all the wrongs we could ever do. As Ephesians 1:7 shares with us, when we come asking forgiveness from God for not living the life we should, we can know that we have forgiveness through Jesus Christ. What an incredible gift from God.

1 comment:

Geoffrey Bond said...

Hey Marshall, I have read some of your blogs and can see that you have placed much thought into them. I am wishing you and your family happiness!

Geoff Bond