Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Take a break!

A couple of days ago I was doing some studying and felt like I couldn't join the rest of the family. They were outside enjoying the nice weather and truth be known, I wished I could have been with them but felt that I had to get some things accomplished. I set in to study and did get a little reading done, when the Holy Spirit seemed to impress upon me that I needed to take a break and go outside. I tried my best to resist the urge, but really felt like I was supposed to take advantage of a divine opportunity - or so I was telling myself as I wrestled with the idea of a "study break."

When I ventured outside, I found the "crew" coming down the road. Their initial goal of helping our daughter learn how to ride a bike had apparently not worked out so well. Brother walked by and said he had tried to help her but to no avail. Mom's patience had run out and so they were all heading back to the house. I felt it was my fatherly "duty" to take a stab at it and try to help our youngest focus on pedaling instead of balance - or lack thereof. Before long we were "hands free" and another bike rider was born. What a thrill for our youngest - and me as well.

This past week I have also been taking on the responsibility of helping my son learn to drive. It's really not too bad and he is doing a great job. I have also found that this scenario is a great opportunity for me to have some wonderful conversations - all while he is a captive audience:)! Honestly, it has been a great time of making memories and talking about things that may have seemed too trivial before.

This all seemed to remind me how fast our children grow up. I think it was just yesterday when I was changing diapers, wiping running noses, and kissing boo-boos. And now before we know it we'll have one less child in the house (o.k. - in 2 years). So I'm glad the Lord helps remind us that there are things more important in life than work, projects, and personal ambitions. It's leaving a legacy of godly children who love the Lord AND their parents after it's all said and done. So take a break when you feel like you can least afford to do so, and spend it with your loved ones - making memories every chance you get.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Well, I just topped my truck off with diesel fuel after some ministry this past Sunday and the pump shut off at $100! I thought that was bad enough until I had to pump another $20 into the tank to fill it up - and I had over a quarter of a tank when I started! No doubt the fuel crisis is getting worse and obviously will have an impact on those traveling in ministry. As I write this post, oil has now climbed to over $129 a barrel - an unbelievable amount of money compared to only 2 years ago.

I just finished reading an article at http://money.cnn.com/2008/05/12/autos/ways_to_not_save_gas/index.htm and found it interesting at some of the results they found. I must admit I have been guilty of a couple of these, but even with the best fuel-efficient vehicle - a lot of miles equals a lot of fuel. This has made me pray harder, fast more often, and talk about the high price of fuel more - albeit I probably shouldn’t. It pays to take a little time to give some well deserved TLC (tender loving care) to your auto every now and then, as well as do a little more planning for trips and even errands around town. God knows our pocket book and our needs - and I'm glad He is still in the provision business!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Let go and let God

I recently had the unpleasant experience of missing a flight. I always, always, always (o.k., not this time) check in for my flight the night before - especially if I am on an extremely early flight. This ensures that I am aware of any changes that have happened pertaining to my flight's status. However, this last time I was leaving a little later and got to bed a little later than normal (that's getting earlier the older I get) - so I decided to skip the check-in until morning. Well, "morning" got busy and I decided I'd just "check-in" at the airport - I'd be early - or so I thought.

When I got to the airport I found out that my flight had been "moved up!" Can you believe it?! A flight moved UP?! Instead of 11:45, my flight now left at 10:40 - or something like that. I was standing in line at 10:15 but that did not matter. I just knew I could make it if they would just let me on - but they didn't. I had "missed" my flight. And because I had "missed" my flight I could not get a flight on another airline - that only happens when a flight is canceled.

As I received the bad news, I knew I could do one of two things. I could get mad at the situation or the ladies who were doing their job and just happened to have the misfortune of being the ones to deliver the bad news, or I could let go of what was "now" out of my control and let God work some good through it all. And God did work good through it all as I was able to make it safely home that night - even my lugguage showed up!

Have you ever been in a place where it would have been easier to react in a typical manner, but you felt the Holy Spirit quicken you and remind you that you were His representative. When we rest in God and allow Him to help us - even when a problem is really our fault - that truly brings Glory to Him and allows us an opportunity to be a light in a world often full of night. I pray the next time things go wrong that you will be able to "Let Go and Let God" have His way in your life.