Monday, March 28, 2016

Can I Pray For You?

I recently had the opportunity to experience a divine appointment—much by surprise. I was enjoying breakfast at a hotel in Louisiana where I was staying with my family. I noticed the lady taking care of the food for some reason, although there wasn’t anything specific that stood out about her. However, I just couldn’t get her off my mind. It was as though the Holy Spirit was nudging me that she needed prayer. Since we all need prayer I didn’t really think a lot about this but said a quick prayer for her and thought I was through.

However, the Lord had other plans. All during my meal and even while reading the news and catching up on emails and planning needs I could not get this lady out of my mind. It wasn’t a pounding invitation or anything verbal—just constant gentle nudges that something was wrong. So after I cleaned up my table and threw away my trash, I approached this lady in the doorway to the kitchen and said: “I was just wondering if there was anything I could pray with you about today?”

Most people would just try to be nice and say something to get past the awkwardness of a total stranger asking them if he or she could pray for them. I often share that I’m a minister so that helps sometimes. But, today I was shocked—and relieved—when Betty asked in unbelief: “For me?” I said yes and shared that I was a minister and just felt like I needed to ask her if she needed prayer today. Betty began to tell me that her children had disowned her and that she had been through some very difficult days.

I held her hand and told her that I would be praying for her, but also that God wanted her to know that He loved her and cared enough to send someone to pray for her. Betty was so moved she asked if she could give me a hug and right then, Betty and I joined the Holy Spirit in a group hug. I never realized how much it could mean to a person to know that somebody—and especially God—cares about them. So the next time you can’t get rid of an urge to pray for someone, go ahead and step out of your comfort zone. You may just be God’s answer to someone’s prayers.

God’s best,
Dr. Marshall M. Windsor

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