Friday, February 7, 2014

Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire!

No matter who you are, after a time you will cross paths with folks who are less than honest. Some people are downright liars. So what should we do in these types of situations? As one veteran evangelist told me once: “Marshall, you always take the high road.” He meant that we must not allow others who are dishonest and hurtful to bring us down to their level of character. When you run into folks like this, you just have to move on and leave them behind. Their lack of character and integrity will catch up with them, but our responsibility is to pray for them and leave them in God’s hand. He is the judge and he alone knows what can bring them back to a right relationship with Him.

I must admit that I struggled with this aspect of ministry when we first started. I thought that we would have a wonderful time ministering to God’s people and have some great fellowship with the church leaders. But through the years, I have discovered that this is not always the case. The local church isn’t full of perfect people or perfect leaders—we’re all striving to do our best to pay our bills, raise any children we may have, share the love of Jesus Christ the best way we know how, and make it to heaven when Jesus calls to take us home.

When those people you respect or who are in leadership hurt you, the only option we have is to take the hurt of betrayal to the cross. God has called you and I to be men and women of prayer, because it is in God’s presence where mountains are moved, people are changed, and healing takes place. So whatever you have to walk through along your life’s journey, Jesus Christ will walk through it with you if you let him. I pray that you will, if you haven’t already, experience the realization of his nearness—because it will change the way you live your life. 

Be blessed,

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