Sunday, March 7, 2010

Big Decisions

Today I'm sitting in a hotel in Fayetteville, AR as my son goes through interviews for scholarships at a distinguished university here. I'm reminded of all the things that go through your mind when big decisions need to be made. Choosing the right educational institution where you'll spend the next four years of your life, and a little bit of money, in order to fulfill life's calling can be a major ordeal. Those kinds of decisions are never easy, but one of the greatest comforts through it all is that God cares enough about us to help us in the decision-making process.

Decisions like college, jobs, marriage, children, and life changes are only a few of the challenging decisions that come our way. But we also have decisions to make in happy and prosperous times - how to be a good steward of the funds we're entrusted with, how to be a good spouse or parent, how to invest wisely so retirement will be something to look forward to, what will be the best house or vehicle that will keep its value? Taking care of aging loved ones (and that includes me!), picking the right city or neighborhood to move into, as well as what will strengthen our important relationships like family and marriage - yes, you have to work at great relationships!

The great thing about all those questions, and the plethora of other ones that I did not even mention, is that God loves being a part of the decision process. He loves getting involved with His creation on a day-to-day basis. Doesn't John 3:16 tell us that God "so loved the world," and if that's true then He loves hanging out with His creation. Can you imagine that God longs to hang out with you and be consulted about everyday decisions? In James chapter 1 verse 5, James says, "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him."

Wow! Instead of the old expression "when in doubt throw it out" we can actually ask the Creator of the universe and He'll give us the wisdom we need to make the right decision! How cool is that?! So the next time you have audacious decisions rising up in your world, take a quick time out to check with God on how He feels about the matter. You may not hear an audible voice or see a hand appear out of nowhere and point you in a certain direction; but you just might run into some material on exactly the issue you're struggling with or meet up with an old acquaintance who is exactly the person you needed to talk to about that issue. You may have a door or opportunity slam shut or a deal that doesn't go through; but don't get mad - trust God and wait with expectancy on the better opportunity God has waiting for you just around the bend!

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