Saturday, January 9, 2016

Is That All There Is?

Well, the stockings are gone and the presents too. The tree has come down and packed away until next year. My wallet’s a little thinner and my bills seem to have grown as I work to pay what’s due after the Christmas gift harvest has ended. So what can I share with my children and others to ensure the real reason for the season is not forgotten? How can I address the need to place the light of the gospel above the light of Rudolf’s red nose? With all the marketing tactics of Christmas past, present, and future, it may indeed take a miracle to make sure Christ reigns supreme after all the militant shoppers have gone home and infomercials quit dancing in our heads like visions of sugarplums (according to a favorite Christmas bedtime story).

The apostle Peter gives us some sage advice about this to some degree. In 1 Peter 3:15, Peter states (ESV): “But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.” There is something about God’s Word, spoken in a spirit of gentleness and respect—or as the King James Version of Scripture states: “with meekness and fear,” that has a powerful effect on other people.

Material things will always fail to bring continued fulfillment over time. So we all need to be ready when God provides divine opportunities for us to speak an encouraging word to someone who lacks the fullness that comes in a relationship with our heavenly Father. We must speak with a spirit of gentleness, meekness, respect, and godly fear. If God graciously gives us an opportunity to represent Him in this divine moment, we need to make sure we bring His gentle Spirit into that moment.

Over the years I’ve enjoyed all the Christmas stories—spiritual and not so spiritual. I enjoy them because they evoke a spirit of selflessness and remind me of Christ's sacrificial gift to us all. The stories of Christmas convey a sense of giving to others and helping people in their time of need. So now that Christmas is over, pray that God will give you opportunities to share why you had such a great time over the holidays. You had the privilege of celebrating the gift that changed your life forever…and His name is Jesus Christ.

God's best to you!
Marshall M. Windsor, D.Min.