Sunday, October 11, 2015

You're Never Too Old

I recently had the privilege of ministering in a great church of about 100 people on a Sunday morning. The worship was powerful and the Holy Spirit was present in a wonderful way. The people were friendly and welcomed me like a long lost family member. I shared a message about being ready for Heaven and then extended an invitation to come forward for prayer to those who had a need or felt the Lord nudging them to get things right in their relationship with Him.

The response was overwhelming. I began praying with people for their specific needs as the Holy Spirit led me to pray. I was impressed to ask some for direction in how I could pray for them. Toward the end of our prayer time I noticed an elderly woman who was sitting on the platform portion of the church that also served as an altar or place for folks to come and kneel to pray. I walked over, sat down next to this lady of many years and asked her how I could pray for her—thinking that she might have a physical ailment or some other non-spiritual need. She began to weep and said that she had been running from God for so long and needed His forgiveness. We both began to pray and cry and thank God for His unending forgiveness that was available to all who run to Him.

In that moment I was reminded of Jeremiah’s cry in Lamentations 3:22-24, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. ‘The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘therefore I will hope in him.’” What a joy to know that it is never too late for God’s forgiveness in our lives; that He’ll set aright our relationship with Him when we let Jesus Christ regain his rightful place in our hearts. In addition, I was given a great lesson: Never take it for granted that someone has a right relationship with God no matter what their age—even if they are sitting in your church right next to you.

Be blessed!
Marshall M. Windsor, D.Min.