Friday, September 11, 2015

My Cajun Family

I recently had the privilege of ministering in Houma, Louisiana for a men's conference with additional church services on Sunday. I had never really been to southern Louisiana for any length of time, but realized when I arrived that I was in a culture-rich environment where the people were genuine and the home-made Cajun fare was too. Gumbo, Jambalaya, white beans, potato salad, rolls, and some great friends just to name a few of the wonderful things awaiting our family when we arrived.

But it was the people of southern Louisiana, with a rich French heritage, that struck a chord with me; and reminded me of my early years growing up in a large family. We found some authentic folks who are genuine, down-home, salt of the earth people who depend on the land, sea, and God for their livelihood. My wife Nancy said it best:

"While in Houma, Louisiana we had the opportunity to experience some of the different aspects of the southern Louisiana culture: the warm hospitality of the people; some of the best gumbo and jambalaya in the state; driving through some of the shrimping communities south of Houma; and just sitting and listening to the people talk. If you listened closely you heard traces of a culture that once was the beginnings of the making of America."

As a Christian who travels a bit, when I run across folks who treat me just like family, it makes me stop and realize just how special that feels--especially when I am among folks who may be culturally or ethnically different than me. 1 Corinthians 12:13 (KJV) says it best: "For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit." 

When we allow Jesus Christ to have lordship and leadership of our lives, we join a pretty awesome family that's as diverse as anything imaginable--similar to those wonderful folks in Houma, Louisiana. I pray that you will let Christ have that special relationship with you today--because there's always room for one more in God's family.

Dr. Marshall