Monday, May 18, 2015

God's Greenhouses

Over the years I have appreciated God's wonderful way of growing and preserving his saints. We often start out with an emotional high after our salvation experience—when we asked Jesus Christ to be the Lord of our lives—and end up tempered for leadership through the challenges and disappointments of life. This process often begins in a divinely protected environment whereby God begins to teach and transform us to be his disciples. For you, this may be a loving family home, a church, a Bible School, or some other more miraculous scenario.

It was this appreciation that got me thinking about God’s greenhouses – those “safe” places where we can begin to step out and exercise the spiritual gift that God may be nudging us to use. This has nothing to do with the “Greenhouse Effect” that we learned about in science—where thermal radiation is absorbed by greenhouse gases and re-radiated back in numerous directions to the surface originally radiating the heat; thereby raising the temperature. The greenhouse I’m thinking about are those you find in plant nurseries where air and heat are trapped inside with a protective covering to keep the inside area warm and safe so the plants can grow. No matter what the temperature is outside, when a greenhouse is working properly, you can walk through the door into a nice, warm, moist environment full of green, healthy, growing plants!

The Psalmist talked about that kind of protection no matter where we find ourselves in life. David stated in Psalm 23:4 (NIV): “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Now, you may not see your greenhouse as clearly as the one at your local plant nursery, but when God’s presence surrounds you, there is a peace that passes all understanding—keeping you in His greenhouse as He protects and strengthens you through the valleys and mountaintops of life.

So the next time you feel God nudging you to step out and do something a little bit out of your comfort zone, or seem to be wading through the hardships of life, just remember the greenhouse effect. He’s with you and longs for you to trust Him with all your heart, because His plans for you are greater than you could ever imagine.

God's best!