Sunday, September 28, 2014

Peaceful Priorities

I’ve noticed my inability to keep my home office uncluttered; and since I have an unquenchable thirst for books, my bookshelves are overflowing. Books are not only packed into every bit of the normal vertical space available, but now there are horizontal stacks of books in front of the vertical rows of books. I guess my books are now, officially, double-parked!

As I looked around the office I realized how life can get cluttered and out of kilter. The honey-do list becomes long and lustrous, while problems of the private and business aspects of our lives get overwhelming. We move from productivity to survivability and can feel as though we’re drowning in the tasks that await our attention.

So how do we keep from succumbing to it all: Overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, and feeling a bit inept at taking care of what used to be a carefree life? For me, there are days, hours and sometimes even a few minutes when I just need to disconnect and grab hold of something solid. Perhaps for you it’s taking a drive down memory lane—or just taking a drive to get out of the house! Sometimes I’ll enjoy watching a movie or spending some quality time with my wife, Nancy. I try to bring roses home when she least expects it even though she tells me they just die in a few days. I want her to know that she’s still the best thing that ever happened to me! We still enjoy each other’s company after all these years (thank goodness!) and grabbing a breakfast taco at one of our favorite “hidden” places is always a nice diversion from the pressures of life.

But, what I’ve found to help me the most is some daily time of solitude with God and His Word—the Holy Bible—the Scriptures. Since I’m a morning person, that’s my time to shut myself in my office (my recliner) with a cup of coffee and the Scriptures. I find myself following Billy Graham’s regiment of reading the Psalms and a chapter in Proverbs every day—as I’m able. The Psalms give me encouragement and Proverbs gives me wisdom, which I know I need more of today. Sometimes I change this up and use a “read the Bible in a year” schedule instead.

There is something about being quiet with the Lord that helps refocus and re-prioritize things in my life. We don’t always have to talk to God in prayer—we can listen as well. Psalms 127:2 shares how God grants sleep to those he loves—another translation says “while they sleep he provides for,” which tells me that if I keep God first and rest in him—he’ll take care of keeping peace in my life. I pray that you will find the peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:6-7) as you work to prioritize all those cluttered heaps of goals that await your attention today.
