Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Birdhouse View

While cleaning around the house a few months ago, I happened to notice a peculiar sight. Right in the middle of an old birdhouse, sat a frog. Now, I've seen a frog in a lot of different places but never in a birdhouse! Of all the places you might imagine frogs would enjoy...a pond, a Lilly pad, along a creek bank somewhere...but a birdhouse?

Perhaps the frog only wanted to gain a little different perspective from its birdhouse perch. Don't we all get a little settled in our routines and weekly agendas. School work, taking the kids to school, off to church on Sunday, picking up Friday night's pizza, etc.... Only when our world gets shaken do we sometimes step back and try to take in a fuller picture of what it all means...and often we're just left with questions. Life can be like that. Lots of questions and no answers, with discouragement right around the corner. But perspective can be a powerful ally in our fight to overcome the questions and frustrations.

Sometimes when my perspective falters and I find myself with more questions than answers, I can always find solace (and a few answers) when I take time to pray. Sometimes just spending time reading the Scriptures (Bible), singing a favorite hymn, playing the piano, or being quiet and alone in an attitude of prayer, which does more listening than speaking with God, can powerfully impact our perspective. Peace is something God wants each of us to have as Jesus said in John 14:27, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you." No matter where we are or what we're going through God will help us gain a proper perspective - even if we need a birdhouse view.