Saturday, November 6, 2010

Overcoming Evil...with Attitude.

In reading some Scripture this morning I came across this passage in Romans chapter 12 verse 21 that says: “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” As I pondered that verse I couldn’t help but think about how difficult that might be. That isn’t the natural tendency or progression. Usually, when something evil or bad happens, we begin focusing all our energies and attention on what has hurt us or the evil that has been pushed upon us. Oftentimes this leads to discouragement, depression, or frustration and anger!

Sometimes our path in life takes unexpected turns here and there, dragging us through the forest of fear or the Grand Canyon of confusion. We run into people and circumstances that represent the “dark side” of life and leave us with more questions than answers for God as we travel along this journey called life. Most of us have heard the phrase, “life happens and then you die.” Not a Pulitzer Prize winning appraisal by any means, but there is some truth to it. “Life is what you make it,” I’ve heard plenty of folks say. But sometimes we feel as though we are caught in the mud hole of life and getting out is going to be one messy adventure!

That’s why attitude is such a powerful force in our lives and allows us to rise above so many things. However, I must admit, there are many days when my attitude is less than stellar – and at times it down right stinks! So welcome to life. The good. The bad. And yes, the ugly. Bad breath and bad hair days come and go, yet the sun will still come up and the alarm clock will still sound as a reminder that work awaits and another day begs us to make a difference….somehow.

What difference are you making in your world? At home, work, or around town running errands at your favorites stores. When people recognize you what do they think? Are you uplifting and quick to make a positive impact in the lives of those you run into, or have you allowed evil to ruin yet another day? It’s often easier said than done, but with God’s grace, we can forget “what is behind” and reach “forward to what lies ahead” (Philippians 3:13).  Today is a new day…a day to make a difference…a day to rise above the clouds of life with a positive attitude…and soar!