Saturday, August 7, 2010


Since my hiatus from blogging we’ve given final exams at seminary and Bible school (much to my students dismay), taken a trip to Europe, a mission trip to Namibia, Africa, a ministry trip to Texas that included seeing family, and now getting ready for some meetings back home in Springfield. I can tell you this…it’s awesome sleeping my own bed!

Since our oldest is getting ready to head to college we wanted to really spend some quality family time together and have a blast. So I put my doctorate studies and everything else on hold and jumped in head first for a summer full of fun. I must admit, we have definitely had a blast but I’m ready for summer to be over! And a 16 hour plane ride across the Atlantic Ocean (to Africa and back) is not my idea of relaxation. But the time together has been priceless, and the mission work had an impact on everyone’s lives. What an enriching experience!

Over the course of the summer, the moments of thanking God for the blessing of a great family seem to come more frequently. I often reflect back on all the days of sowing into our children’s lives and secretly praying that they’ll still want to come and visit mom and dad even when they have moved out of the house and have families of their own. I’m overwhelmed at times by the shear realization of how blessed I am.

This realization comes as I sadly see others who have not fared so well. Family feuds, separations, and tragedy have marred the lives of far too many people. And even when I see (and sometimes experience) the hardships of life, I realize that God’s grace helps us through those times. As the apostle Paul wrote to the Romans in the book of Romans chapter 8, verse 28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

God has been working in my life through all the good and not-so-good times of my life. Through successes, failures, disappointments, and tragedy, God has always been there for me – and He wants you to know that He’ll be there for you if you let Him. Can you imagine…the God of the universe in your corner ready to help you at a moment’s notice? That’s just downright radical!