Friday, June 18, 2010

Are you in the zone?

While vacationing in Germany with my family we happened to ride the wonderful transit system that Germany enjoys. I knew the trains were very punctual and efficient since I had been stationed in Germany while in the Army many years ago (over 20), but knew I needed a little refresher course prior to hopping on. I visited with our hotel clerk and she shared the specifics of the automated ticket machines and the different "zones" you needed to specify when purchasing your ticket.

My German was rusty at best but I managed to understand enough to actually get us on the right train at the right time! So off I went to purchase our tickets. I had to enlist the services of a local patronage but finally got everything ready for the train. During this time I noticed that those folks who ride the train every day for work or leisure had no problem with the system and went through the necessary motions as though it was all second nature. I was reminded of places we had traveled to in ministry, like Washington, D.C., where people ride the subways everyday. They know the right trains to get on and what signs to look for - they know which "zone" they need to travel in - the blue line, red line, yellow line, green line. Whichever system of "zones" a community uses, the people gain an understanding of how it works.

As a minister, I began to think about spiritual "zones." I used to be in the "far from God" zone long ago and have seen others in a multitude of zones (since we all like to stereotype folks and place them in categories). I've seen the "religious" zone where everyone goes through the religious motions of doing what they think is right even when their heart isn't, as well as the Jesus fanatic zone and cynic zone. We've got the atheist zone, the deistic zone, the secular zone, and the relativism zone.

But I think there is a zone we all can experience and that's the Jesus zone (yeah, a bit corny but you understand what I mean I hope). Connecting with a God who cares about each of us through His son Jesus Christ doesn't mean we have to disconnect from reality. The Scriptures tell us that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalms 139:14). We can enter the work place or wherever God has placed us so that we can make a difference by our example. If we are fearfully and wonderfully made then we should realize that God only wants the very best for each of us.

I realize that bad things do happen to great people and that we do not live in a perfect world, but God truly does care about each and every one of us and longs to be a part of our world--but we have to let Him in. We have to choose whether we will willingly enter into his "zone" and allow Him to have leadership and Lordship of our lives. That's a daily challenge and may be why Jesus said that we had to pick up our cross daily. So what zone are you in? Every day is an opportunity to connect with God....will today be your day? I hope so!