Friday, October 9, 2009


This past six months or so have been an incredible journey of transition. Transitions can be disheartening, confusing, exciting, and frustrating all at the same time! My National Evangelists Office duties have come to a close and the national office has been dissolved due to the economy and the providence of God. Yes…the divine providence of God. Oftentimes, when we go through uncertain times and dark valleys along life’s path we want to blame someone or find fault with others. But the reality is that nothing in our lives takes God by surprise. Since I preach along these lines, I surely ought to live that, huh? I have really appreciated the Assemblies of God leadership during this time of transition as well – they’ve been very gracious, and the Executive Presbytery of the AG has asked that I continue as a General Presbyter representing our AG evangelists. Due to all of this, we wrapped up the national office with a great time at some closing events and have moved on…so what’s next?

We are currently increasing our evangelistic ministry and working on our schedule…(isn’t an evangelist always working on their schedule?), and God has graciously helped us fill in ministry opportunities. I am still working on doctoral studies and hope to finish up by early in 2011. Wow, that seems like a long way away right now – but I’m almost half way through! Nancy, Joshua, and Hannah have all sacrificed right along with me on this journey and I truly believe God has something exciting in store at the end of the road! I’m also picking up some additional family responsibilities that I’m excited to be a part of because I think family is extremely important.

But another exciting opportunity has availed itself to us. Central Bible College approached me a couple of months ago and shared that they had been given approval to launch a College of Evangelism. I was asked if I would consider being a part of this initiative and help lend some guidance and direction to this initiative, as well as help with some adjunct teaching. This is an opportunity with a lot of flexibility, which allows our family to continue traveling in itinerant ministry. I can not only help with some teaching, but provide mentoring opportunities and internships as opportunities arise. This will let me continue in ministry (which our family loves) and also finish up my book project – all while sowing into the lives of young men and women!

I can’t honestly say that all the unsettledness of this season of transition has passed, but I can tell you that God is still going before us and helping in every area. I’m glad He’s on the throne of my heart and allows me the privilege of a trusted relationship with Him. I love what Psalms chapter 23 verse 4a tells me: “Even when I walk through the dark valley of death, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.” (NLT) Even when every other friend you may have in the world doesn’t stick around…Jesus Christ is always there. That’s just pretty darn cool.