Monday, August 31, 2009

Don't give up!

I can't believe it's been a month since my last post, but the time just seems to fly by! Since last month we have been through the Assemblies of God's General Council meetings in Orlando, Florida where it was incredibly HOT! Then ministry up in Georgia where it was HOTTER - 106F with humidity that was pretty impressive even if I do say so:). Then finally back to Springfield to spend some down time at home before tying up loose ends in dissolving the National Evangelists Office. But isn't it just like God to open up new doors just at the right time - to send folks to encourage you and pray for you when you're ready to give up.

Although things have changed for our family now, God always had a plan - and God has a plan for you. Moving into new places and opportunities can often be a bit unsettling and downright scary if the truth be known. But the Scriptures tell us that if we take everything to the Lord in prayer, he'll provide a supernatural peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:6-7). He also said that we could cast all our cares on Him because He cares for us! (1 Peter 5:7) Now that's pretty cool to know that no matter what happens with the economy or the circumstances we find ourselves in - God's gotta plan! And not only does God have a plan, but the Scriptures tell us that we have a heavenly friend in Jesus Christ - and he's the kind of friend that sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24).

We don't have to give up with life gets uncertain because God has a pretty impressive collection of resources at our disposal if we would just allow Him an opportunity to lead our lives. He only wants the very best for each one of us and reconnecting with Him is an awesome start to living life to its fullest. And it's as easy as just saying: "Here I am Lord. I give you leadership and lordship of my life. Help me live for you and find out how awesome a relationship with you can really be. Amen." Then seek out a great church to explore the adventures you'll encounter living for God. Now that's living life large!