Saturday, February 28, 2009

My Journey

My journey isn't exactly what you might think it is (even though I am a month behind in my posts!). Although we all go through journeys in this life, the journey I'm initially referring to is my Dodge Journey rental car. As I was standing in line for my rental vehicle I wondered what type of vehicle I would get. Trying to be economical can lead to some humbling selections of automotive transportation. When my wonderful attendant told me that I would be driving a "Journey" I did not have a clue what a Journey looked like and had a funny feeling I might not like it.

After driving my "Journey" for awhile I found that it did the job I needed - even though I love more power in my vehicles! It was fairly new and comfortable, with some neat gadgets - except cruise control of all things. But my Journey kept me safe and on time with my appointments. A seemingly dependible little car - did I say little? O.k., rather small for a larger person:).

After a great meeting with some wonderful Kentucky evangelists and their district superintendent, I drove down to Corbin, KY for a Sunday morning service. And here I am, at the home of the original KFC and the beautiful Cumberland Falls not too far off. So now I'm doing some reflecting in my hotel room and thinking about my real journey - my life's journey.

My journey is so intriguing at times, because, as a Christian, I often rest in God and strive to sense His direction. I know I falter in this effort often, but still I try. Sometimes the journey is through beautiful seasons of ministry, enjoying the family, and finding fun time for myself and others. But sometimes our journeys encounter rainstorms, ice, sleet, snow (called for tonight), and other disruptions that cause us to ponder God's intent. If He would just spell it out to us we'd be happy to oblige - or so we think.

When I think about my journey with God, even though there may be times of uncertainty or frustration, I take comfort in knowing God is there for me every step of the way. He even tells in Psalms 23, that even though we walk through the "valley of the shadow of death" He provides us with supernatural comfort. How awesome to know that the God of the universe cares so much about you that he provides comfort for you whether you are on the mountaintop or plodding on through the valleys of life. It's a journey. And just like driving down the road - I can't wait to see what lies just around the bend.