Friday, June 20, 2008

Coffee Cup Religion

Although I wrote this a while back I thought it might be a nice addition to the blog since so often peopel feel that “evangelism” is being a “soul winner” instead of realizing that “evangelism” is working in harmony with the Holy Spirit to help bring a person one step closer to the Lord Jesus Christ. If you have never seen the “Engel Scale” you just might want to do a search for that and see the process involved of someone going from totally unchurched to a discipler of others. Oftentimes we only focus all our efforts on the aspect of conversion - that “moment in time” when someone makes a decision to let Jesus Christ take lordship and leadership of their lives. In actuality there is quite a portion of the process that we are currently neglecting. If you think being an evangelist is being a “soul winner,” just remember God alone draws people to Himself. He is the soul winner, and as the apostle Paul wrote, “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.” (1 Corinthians 3:6 NIV)

Coffee Cup Religion…

Before my dad graduated to a heavenly home, I traveled the 15 hour drive to see him and went out to breakfast with him one morning. As we sat around a table with some other retired gentlemen, in a small town café, the conversations went from work, to family, to military, and occupations. They got a laugh, when I told them that I was an evangelist and enjoyed traveling around the country finding new places to eat.

We talked about all the mischief we had all gotten into earlier in life, and I was able to share how much I appreciated the Lord not giving up on me, and the blessings that God had given me since getting that right relationship back with Him. Other light conversation about life and family continued until it was time to go. As I headed out the door, the Holy Spirit seemed to remind me how easy it is to share the gospel message – planting those little seeds for the Holy Spirit to water. I wasn’t responsible for anyone else’s response to the gospel, just the delivery as the Holy Spirit gave opportunity. I did not have to preach, only share the small seeds that the Holy Spirit prompted me to sow.

Peter said in 1 Peter 3:15, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (NIV). When we have a vibrant relationship with God, we can’t help but bear fruit for God’s kingdom. But just remember, the fruit bearing part is God’s responsibility – not yours. It is nice to know that you don’t have to be a preacher to share the gospel, and you don’t even have to knock on doors or hand out tracks. You can just let the light of the gospel shine through your life and everyday conversation – even around a cup of coffee.