Saturday, April 5, 2008

Oh no!

That’s the thought that ran through my mind when my wonderful wife, Nancy, shared with me that a certain department store was having an incredible sale – 30% off an already 75% reduced price. Although it’s hard to believe that anyone would pass up bargains like that, those bargains could not even begin to compare to the disdain I held for shopping. I would rather change a flat tire in the middle of winter than hazard into a nice warm store crammed full of people fighting for a great deal – and survival.

My idea about shopping is likened unto a special operations unit that has a specific mission. They take months, if not years, to prepare for some of those incredibly treacherous missions. Then, when the time for action approaches, usually in the dark of night when no one else is around, they go in, complete the mission – and get out!

It also reminds me of a needle on a sewing machine. As it goes in and out of a new fabric, it changes that fabric from blasé to brilliant by the watchful eye of the master seamstress. I used to watch my mom make clothes for (mainly) my sisters growing up. There were eight children and mom would often get those patterns you could buy at the store in order to help keep us clothed. I was always amazed to watch a sewing machine in motion – the needle could move slowly – or so fast you could hardly keep up with it while joining two or more pieces of cloth together. So too, my affinity for shopping – go in and out so fast that it is as painless as possible – for me anyway.

But I’m thankful that my wife loves “the hunt,” and is willing to brave the elements (mainly people in this case) to help care for her family. The potential good outweighs the bad, and because of her, our household has been nicely clothed at a fraction of the cost. And I am so thankful that the God who made this universe can still see the good in so many people even though there is a lot of nastiness today; a God who cares so much about us that he has paid the price of helping us get “reconnected,” through the death of His only son – Jesus Christ.

May today be a day that you don’t say “oh no” like I did when “invited” to participate in a shopping endeavor. But a day when you say, “Lord I really would like for you to step into the driver’s seat of my life and help lead me along life’s path.” It’s the greatest bargain this side of heaven because it’s free – and you don’t even have to fight the crowds:).