Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Cleaning stalls...

When I was just a kid (way back when), we packed up and moved from Dallas, Texas to a large family farm that we inherited. One of my first jobs (at the ripe age of 8 for .25 cents an hour) was to take pitch fork in hand and clean out some horse stalls that had been neglected for who-knows-how-many years. I found out rather quickly that you can dig and dig and dig and dig quite a hole if you’re not careful in a horse stall that’s been neglected. I also found out that .25 cents an hour was not near enough money for that job, so I promptly asked my dad for a raise at the end of the day to a whopping .50 cents an hour!

While cleaning those stalls, the ammonia like smell and odor of animal waste was almost overwhelming, and it was a good thing the barn had two big doors on both ends of the building to allow for proper ventilation! It took quite some time, but we finally got the stalls fairly well cleaned out and new straw put in its place. Interestingly, when we went to clean the stalls every day it only took a little effort to pick up or clean out the areas that needed attention.

As I was reflecting back on that time when I was a “professional” stall cleaner, it reminded me of how merciful God is to us. He often takes us when we’ve been neglected for so long, and smelling rather offensive spiritually, and lovingly begins to clean us up as only he can do. Many of us can attest to the fact that God usually has to clean us up over a period of time – gently smoothing out the rough edges of our lives one day at a time. But then, as we come before the throne of grace on a daily basis, we find that the cleansing comes a little easier and we rest in him and the power of his might.

I pray that you will allow God the privilege of cleaning out the stalls of your life – no matter how bad you think you smell spiritually. Because God longs to help you and to let you know that he cares deeply about every challenge, trial, anxiety and struggle that you may be facing today.